Prep Report

Term 4 

Welcome to Term 4 in Prep! Can you believe we have had over 140 days of learning already! This year is flying by. Our students have achieved so much this year. We are looking forward to building our skills in literacy and numeracy and sharing our learning with all of our families during some exciting events this term! 



This term in Reading we will be exploring a range of fairytales and other fiction stories, learning about different reading comprehension strategies and applying our knowledge of letters and sounds to continue to grow in our reading. We will be learning about the features of a fiction text, how to summarise a story using the terms of beginning, middle, and end and how to compare the differences between book and video versions of the same story. Some of the new reading strategies that we will be using include: visualising, inferring, and monitoring and self-correcting. These strategies will help us to become better readers and support us to think about and beyond the text. 


In Writing, we will apply our knowledge of fiction texts to write our very own stories. This term we are going to create our own characters, draw detailed settings, and write a story with a beginning, middle and end. We can't wait to share our first stories with you at our Writer's Festival in Week 4!


Now that we have learnt all of letters and sounds, we are learning about the digraphs "ch", "sh", "th", and "wh". Digraphs are two letters that make one sound in a word. We will also be learning that each of the five vowels have short and long sounds.



In Maths this term, we will be learning about subtraction by exploring a range of strategies including drawing a picture, using concrete materials, counting back starting from the larger number and using number lines to solve subtraction problems. We will learn that when subtracting two numbers the answer is always a smaller number.

We will also be learning to share a small collection of objects equally through the exploration of Mentor texts such as 'The Doorbell Rang' by Pat Hutchins and the use of concrete materials and games.

In Measurement we will explore the language of 'Location' through Mentor texts such as Rosie's walk by Pat Hutchin and be able to explain where an object is by using vocabulary such as 'in', 'on', 'beside', 'under' 'next to', 'above' 'below' and 'between'. 


In SEL this term, we are working closely with the incredible team at 'Mindfull Aus' to explore some of our core emotions such as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust.

We are looking forward to our first incursion with 'Mindfull Aus' in week 3 on Thursday 20th October.

By the end of this unit of work, we will be able to:

  • name these core emotions 
  • discuss what these emotions look and feel like 
  • identify colours that are connected with these emotions eg. yellow for joy, red for anger and 
  • discuss strategies that we can use to help us deal with our emotions. 



This term in Inquiry we are going to explore the topic of "My Place, Our Place" through a sustainability lens. We are going to explore what it means to take care of our home, school and world. We will begin by delving into the question of "What is Rubbish and what happens to it after we throw it away?" Then, we will look at our lunchboxes and the school canteen and really delve into how we can begin to make small, but sustainable, changes in our everyday lives. As a prep cohort we are going to decide how we can make a positive impact on our school community and support one another to reduce waste and make our school a clean and safe place for us, the land we learn on, and the animals that live here. 



Important Dates:

  • Thursday 20th October-'Mindfull Aus' incursion
  • Thursday 27th October-Writer's Festival
  • Friday 4th November-Prep Breakfast
  • Tuesday 15th November-Prep's first excursion to the Melbourne Zoo


  • School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.10pm. Please ensure that your child is at school on time.
  • Your child's red reading folder, school diary and oxford spelling words folder need to be returned to school everyday. Please read with your child EVERYNIGHT and write the title of this book in their school diary.
  • This term all students must wear their school hat everyday when playing outdoors at recess and lunch.
  • Pack a fruit snack for your child and bring a water bottle (no juice drinks please) everyday.

The Prep Team

Ashley Reynolds and Diana Polazzon