
             Term 4

Another exciting term is beginning for the students in Italian classes at Roxburgh Park Primary School.

During Term 4 Prep students will further develop their confidence in speaking and listening to Italian through stories, role-plays and games. Preps will learn to name animals, adjectives, to count to twenty and further expand their knowledge of greetings in Italian.

Prep students learning numbers in Italian
Prep students learning numbers in Italian
Prep students playing La Gallina dov'e'?
Prep students playing La Gallina dov'e'?

In Term 4, students in years one and two will begin reading and writing words in Italian and will practice pronouncing Italian words correctly. Students will focus on the correct grammatical usage of nouns and adjectives in Italian.

Year one and two learning adjectives in Italian
Year one and two learning adjectives in Italian

In Semester 4 students in years Three, Four and Five will extend their comprehension and conversational skills in Italian working in small groups to practice their greetings and basic conversation skills. Students will focus on various grammar areas such as learning about nouns and adjectives in Italian.

In addition, the year four students will be introduced to Italian food and each student will make a traditional Margherita pizza and learn the history of the most popular pizza in the world.

During Term 4, for years six the emphasis will be on listening, and oral and written communication. Students will continue to learn to communicate verbally and in written form about a range of topics such as emotions and greetings. Each student in each class in every lesson will have the opportunity to speak and write in Italian to continue to develop their confidence. The culture of Italy is integrated into the topic being learned to ensure that the language is taught in the context of the country and its people.

Year six students learning to express feelings in Italian
Year six students learning to express feelings in Italian
Year six students learning to express feelings in Italian
Year six students learning to express feelings in Italian