Around the School -

The Office, Library, Canteen !


Office Team

We are so sad to farewell our beautiful Business Manager, Deborah Jones. 

Deb has taken on a new role as the Business Manager at a new school opening in 2023.  This is a wonderful opportunity, and, as we know all the school community will agree, the new school has a fantastic addition to their team!

We wish Deb all the best in her new endeavours.



The Roxy Admin Girls are always happy to welcome parents to the school.  We are here to help.

The team consists of:

Kate – our lovely first aid officer, who treats all the knocks and bumps our students get

Natalie – our gorgeous receptionist/admin specialist, who welcomes everyone with a smile

Anita – our delightful finance officer who ensures all our bills are paid, and the lights kept on

Monica – our brand new Business Manager.

It makes our day when parents pop by the office just to say “Hi!”


BOOKS. There are a number of students who have long term overdue books. Please search for them and return them as soon as possible. 

                                                                                                                                                                             We have many new books  which will become available for borrowing this term. Here are some of them.

BOOK CLUB: The new Book Club brochure is now available in each classroom. This is the second last issue for 2022. A reminder that all orders must be made online through OR download the LOOP app. 


If you are unsure of how to do this contact scholastic on 1800 021 233 to ask for guidance.  


All orders need to be completed by Monday Oct 24th please. Books will be given to your child in the classroom about 7-10 days after the closing date.


Thank you to all parents who have purchased books this year. Your purchases have resulted in our library receiving many new books with the $360 of commission earned so far this year.