Year 6 Report

Welcome back! What a bittersweet time we will be having in Term 4! Whilst we are so excited to have all our wonderful Grade 6s back, we are also very aware that they will be leaving us in less than 11 WEEKS! We've got so many exciting things to look forward to between now and then and can't wait to get this Term into action!


In Reading this Term, the Grade 6 students are participating in one of their favourite Reading styles; Literature Circles. Each student is placed into a group and are given set chapters of their books to read. Students are also asked to complete a different task each week that allows the students to think more deeply about the chapters read. These tasks include: summarising the chapters read, finding their favourite passages and explaining why they enjoyed them, illustrating what they visualise as they read, finding new and interesting vocabulary and explaining what these words mean, making connections to the books and asking  and answering questions they have as they read. Along side our Literature Circle studies, Grade 6s will be developing their skills in making and justifying prediction, analysing characters, events and themes and critiquing the texts at hand.


In Writing this Term, Grade 6 students will be developing narrative skills through the completion of their very own Hybrid Text. Students will weave information and facts about different topics into their narrative stories, using texts such as The Magic School Bus as inspiration. Students will develop their narrative styles and work on using flash forward & flashbacks, climax, quotes, marginalia, text boxes and symbols to engage their audiences. Students will follow the writing process to draft, edit, revise and publish their hybrid texts.  

Numeracy & Inquiry

This Term in Maths, students will be developing their knowledge around Money and its need in our everyday lives. Students will look at how their families budget and spend their money, how families determine what is a 'need' and what is a 'want' before spending their money and how families adjust a budget according to the 'needs and wants'. Students will develop an understanding of GST; what it is, why we pay GST and how we can calculate the GST of items. Grade 6 students will also be exploring the way to calculate a discount when shopping. In Inquiry, we will link our money knowledge to our understanding of everyday services, products, budgeting, income and savings. 


  • Whole school 20 year group photo - 21st October 
  • Art and Writer's Festival - 27th October
  • Curriculum Day and Melbourne Cup Day - 31st October & 1st November
  • Swimming - 7th - 16th November
  • Pride Day - 9th December
  • Graduation - 15th December 
  • Fun Fields - 16th December