Year 1/2 Report
Term 4 2022
Year 1/2 Report
Term 4 2022
Welcome back everyone to our final term for this year! It is starting to warm up outside. Do not forget to wear your sun smart hat outside and apply sunscreen before arriving at school.
This term we will be celebrating our wonderful grade 1/2 writers. We would love for you all to join us on Thursday the 17th of November for our Writer’s Festival. We also have an exciting end of year celebration excursion to Science Works! We cannot wait to see you all there!
During Term 4 in Numeracy, students will be exploring multiplication and division. They will do this through groups of, sharing, repeated addition, repeated subtraction and arrays. Students will be exploring problems that are relevant to their daily life where they might need to create groups of or share objects between each other. Students will also be exploring fractional parts such as quarters and eighths. They will also link fractions to sharing (division). Students will continue to explore time with a focus on the half hour, quarter to and quarter past on an analog and digital clock. Students will explore the mass of objects using balancing scales to compare two objects.
During Term 4 in Reading, students will explore author’s craft. They will analyse the different techniques that authors use to engage their audience. They will be able to identify humor, onomatopoeia, repetition and alliteration to name a few. Students will be exposed to rich literature that will serve as mentor texts. Students will also explore why an author chose to write a book and the impact they want to have on their audience. Finally, students will be able to share their opinion on a text and justify why they feel that way.
In Writing, students will be able to use the rich literature from Reading to apply the techniques in their own writing. They might also use ‘show don’t tell’, emotive words to have an impact on their reader and share an opinion about an issue that they feel passionately about or change someone's opinion.
During Term 4 in Inquiry, students will be exploring ‘work and play together’ with a focus on building the skills and behaviour needed to work and play together cooperatively. They will be taking part in a variety of rich and hands-on activities that explore how best to work collaboratively and cooperatively together.
The Grade 1/2 Team
Khalad Karim, Mark Turner, Emily Routley, Katherine Richardson, Rosie Borg, Kerrie Passmore and Belinda Perera.