Junior School Sport 

Mr Tim Jones, Junior School Sport Co-ordinator

Summer Sport 

We are very much looking forward to the start of the summer sport season in the Junior School. Basketball has already kicked off with their grading day on Monday. Touch football starts Wednesday 12 October, cricket this Thursday 13 October for U11 y/o and Saturday 15 October for U13 y/o. Hopefully we can start the 2022/23 summer season with some dry weather. All letters for each sport with information regarding draws, team lists and registration are available on the Junior School Parent Hub. 


As Ash Barty states, "pressure is a privilege".'


The last Saturday of Term 3 saw the Mariners under pressure on the hallowed home turf of PLC playing fields in our final match for the 2022 season.


0-0 at half time. The pressure continued. However, after some H2O energy boosters, a refresh of our strategy and a debrief with team mates, the Mariners went onto the pitch knowing that we wanted to score within the first 2 minutes of play. Execution is key and execution occurred. The Mariners were up early in the second half.


The Mariners continued to optimise on all opportunities up front. The midfielders continued to shut down the opposition before they gained too much momentum and the defence communicated well to ensure a tough wall was maintained on our goalie box. 

When the full-time whistle blew, the final score saw the Mariners as reigning champions for the season with a 2-1 victory. Pressure is a privilege and as the Mariners proved, champion diamonds are made under pressure. 


Post-match, the Mariners were treated to a congratulatory video message from Canberra United player Nickoletta Flannery and an award presentation. Special mention goes to our award winners for the season:

Highest Point Scorer: Ben Chambers 

Players Player: Harry Chapman 

Teams Most Improved: Lucy Baker. 


The Mariners would like to thank our families and friends for their continued support this season. Without you all we wouldn't have made our early morning games, stayed warm post-match in negative degrees nor had a uniform to front up in the next week. Special mentions also go to Mrs Sharpe and Mr Jones who continually work behind the scenes to help our weekly matches operate. 


The Mariners should be extremely proud of their success this season. This level of success has been achieved in 2 ways. 1 way being the score card, but importantly, the other measure of success is the sportsmanship and positive team culture the Mariners have displayed week after week (during rain, hail, and shine!). Congratulations all members and thank you for a great season. We look forward to your continued success within KWS football and sport for seasons to come. 

Mr Barrett

CIS Athletics 

Congratulations to all participants at the CIS athletics, the weather turned it on for a great day of competition in Sydney at the end of last term. Please see pictures attached. 


As always, we welcome news about your children’s sporting endeavors both for school and beyond. If you have any news or pictures you wish to share, please email the junior school office at junioroffice@kws.nsw.edu.au