Pupil of the week 

 2022 Pupil of the week                 


Lucas- for modelling wonderful writing behaviours like sounding words out, looking at the THRASS chart and having a go. Keep it up Lucas!

Raf- for the terrific active listening skills you have been showing. Keep it up Raf!


Sienna D - For being a great role model for your peers with your choices both inside and outside of the classroom.

Isabella B - for doing your  personal best with writing this week. Great job!


Rachelle S- For working hard on writing clear sentences this week! Well done Rachelle! 

Hannah H: All your hard work in your writing to make sure it makes sense and your ideas are clear. Well done Hannah!


Arley A: For the strong learning choices you made this week. Great job!

Ari P: For being a great role model for your peers with your choices both inside and outside of the classroom. Well done Ari!


Jamie B - for being an expert editor! Well done on re-reading your writing and fixing your spelling!

Millie G - for being focused and completing your spelling and THRASS tasks each morning. 


Cailin N - for always working hard to do her personal best in all activities.

Shaarav G - for his excellent work on fractions this term. You have worked hard to extend your understanding.


Kai M- for demonstrating an increasing confidence in new and unfamiliar situations and facing most challenges with a positive attitude.

Zoey W- for always carrying out her classroom jobs and responsibilities in a mature manner.


Sade C-for your thoughtful contributions to class discussions, and for consistently trying to produce your best work in all areas of your learning. Great work Sade!

Zohara S- For consistently trying your best in all subjects.

You are a delightful member of the 2S classroom. Keep up the great work Zohara!


Finn.M-for always being a great listener during whole class work and making meaningful contributions.

Lilah.W- for always working to her personal best.


Archie G - for consistently approaching all learning tasks with curiosity and asking questions to improve your learning! Keep it up Archie!

Anna C - for demonstrating a can do attitude towards all areas of your learning. What a great role model you are to your peers, Anna. You can achieve anything you set your mind to!

4AWillow C - for your kindness to others and for always going that extra mile in keeping our classroom organised and tidy.
4DAngelique T - always approaching tasks with an open mind and a determination to do her best each and every time.

Jackson M- for hard work in achieving your personal best during our Chance & Data unit! Well done! 

Chloe E- for always making strong choices within the classroom and showing kindness and respect to your peers. 

5LTaylah I - For showing bravery and courage in circumstances that can be daunting - Well done!
5WMarli C – for owning her choices and using reflection to move forward in a positive way.
6CTAlyssia O- for always showing curiosity and persistence to extend her learning. 
6BHudson R - for always working diligently and ensuring he puts his best effort into his work. Fantastic!

Caitlin W - For working hard, ensuring she did everythinggetting feedback and being kind to her friends.

Curtis H - For pushing himself to improve his writing and maths and for consistently being kind and respectful to his classmates.


Eric Z - For your bravery and sincerity last week.

Bailey H - For a consistently high standard in attitude to learning, communication with peers and exceptional kindness.

Taylah S - For striving for self improvement in all areas. It takes a lot of bravery to set high level goals.

PEThomas P-for great persistence in his ability to engage in PE lessons and great participation in all activities at the Junior Aths day.