Fawkner Festa!

Fawkner Festa!
On Sunday the 23rd of October, the JFC rock band will be performing a 30-minute set on the main stage at 1:45pm. Please support our students by coming along and cheering them on!
The JFC rock band formed early this year, sharing their love for music performance. They are made up of both year 8 & 9 students, led by the powerhouse female vocals of Rukaya Ayache, Angelique Claxton-Hendriksen, and Olivia Lucente. Supplying the groove in the rhythm section we have William Tran Vu, on keys, Ryan Tian on Bass, and Aditya Koirala and Tom Pham on guitar, each bringing their creative flare to the band. They will also be supported by their music teacher Ms Stokes on drums.
Ms Kayla Stokes