Year 8 Humanities

Geography skills in action – Year 8 Humanities
Year 8 Humanities students spent term 3 investigating human impacts on our natural environment. We put our geography skills into action during an excursion to the Merri Creek, during which we sketched the site, audited litter in the area, tested for pollutants in the water, and identified GPS co-ordinates of our field work location.
Another environmental issue we studied was electronic waste. We analyzed the metals and chemicals contained in the electronic devices we use everyday. We investigated the environmental impact of mining these materials, as well as the pollution created if e-waste is not properly disposed of.
The highlight of the unit was actually dis-assembling obsolete electronic devices to analyse the components inside and identify ways that they could be safely recycled.
Congratulations year 8s on a great term of learning in Humanities.
Diana Beaumont