Assistant Principal's News

Maria Hristova

It's been a wonderful start to term 4. We have welcomed all staff and students back to the final term of the year and celebrated alongside our entire community, the joy of receiving the long-awaited funding for a new Science and Technology wing!  


Our classrooms have been full of excited and happy students, engaged in their learning and reconnecting with their friends and teachers. It has been a calm beginning and all students have been ready for learning as soon as they enter the classroom.


Well done to all our parents who have maintained the expectations for learning at this time. We know it hasn’t been easy, we know about your efforts, and we certainly continue to be grateful for your ongoing support of our work and for your children.


Of course, every year term 4 marks the beginning of the end for our year 12's, with formal classes ceasing early in the term as students prepare for the exam period. Our year 12's started the term focussed on their end goal - success in their exams, completing practice exams in all of their subjects. Teachers have been busy giving quality feedback in preparation for exams. Below is the link where you can access the timetable for VCE exams 2022.


Our VCAL students have completed their school-based work, with many currently completing all the relevant VET and work placement components, ready to receive their certificates on our Awards and Graduation Day on December 9.


Whilst we have one cohort of students completing their studies at JFC and leaving us to join the wider community, we are preparing for our new cohort of year 7's who will commence at JFC in 2023. Later this term, our transition team of Teachers and Specialists will host a day of fun. We plan to make it a welcoming and joyful experience to be had by all with lots of activities planned! The state-wide date for transition this year is December 13, and we are busy planning this momentous experience of fun to be had for our 2023-year 7 cohort - watch this space!


Term 4 will see us focusing our Teaching and Learning work and resources on what is important at this time, and of course planning for next year. We hope that you enjoy this time with your children as they reach another millstone in their educational journey!



Maria Hristova

Assistant Principal

Excellence in Teaching and Learning