A message from our School Chaplain

Dear School community,
The school year has turned the corner so quickly! I get the feeling everyone is trying to catch up to the start of Term 4 😊. I’ve put a few sentences together that are a reminder of this time and season, Enjoy.
Term 4 is well and truly here.
Planning camps and school activities,
bringing joy to the end of this school year.
The time will go so quickly and soon you will know,
The year has made many memories,
That will captivate your heart and Soul.
Thank goodness the sun is brightly shining,
for our neighbours in the West,
This will help with the job, of cleaning up all the mess.
Either country or city living, the devastation is indisputable
And painful when at rest.
Keep your thoughts and hearts available hoping for the Best,
to encouragement and support the feeling of distress.
The media can’t predict all of life’s events,
Therefore, be prepared for the Unbelievable
even if it doesn’t make sense.
¨Smile at strangers and you just might change a life. ¨- Steve Maraboli
¨Use your smile to change the world but don’t let the world change your smile. ¨ Unknown
(School Chaplain)