OSHC News 

Spring Time at OSHC

Spring is here and the end of Term 3 which means October Vacation Care is about to begin. We have some amazing activities and experiences for the children. There will be magic, adventures to amazing parks and playgrounds, movies, ice cream vans, musicals, boost juices, roller skating and Bollywood! No time to be bored while at OSHC these holidays.

Week 8 was Market week at OSHC. We put on our thinking caps to come up with an idea for our stall. We decided to go with a lucky dip and a guessing game. Congratulations to Jeremy from M2 who won the whole jar of gumballs for guessing the correct number of 781 gumballs! The primary group worked well as a team to raise $373 for market week at OSHC!!!

As week 9’s theme was ‘children’s choice’, we encouraged children to suggest ideas for activities for group time. Using the different ideas that the children have given us, we then programmed the week based on those activities. The most requested suggestions were slime making and using technology. So one group time the children challenged each other playing the old school video game ‘Pong’ on the iPad. For outdoor week we walked around the school doing bird photography, learning the art of being quiet!




OSHC Opening Times

Before School Care: 7:00am - 8:45am

After School Care: 3:05pm - 6:15pm

Vacation Care & Student Free Days: 7:30am - 6:00pm


OSHC is Closed on Public Holidays


2022 Fee 

Before School Care: $12.00

After School Care: $21.00


Absent Text Number 0418994032

Please include: Child/Children's full name, Date and Session time they aren't attending


OSHC Parent Handbook https://www.magillschool.sa.edu.au/uploads/files/parents/A5_2021_%202022%20OSHC%20Parent%20Handbook.pdf