From the Principal 

School Review 

Last month our school went through our School Review process. A school review occurs every four years and provides schools with the opportunity to reflect on whether they achieved their targets in their Four-Year Strategic Plan.


Our review was a three-day process with the review panel comprising a School Reviewer from Monash University, our Senior Education Improvement Leader from the Department of Education and Training, Two Principal colleagues from high performing schools, our School Council President, and members of our School Improvement Team. 


During our review we spent considerable time reviewing our Pre-Review Self-Evaluation (PRSE) and discussed our performance against our 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.  This was quite a difficult task as many of the strategies and goals we had set were impacted by the global pandemic.  This was a very productive process and a great celebration of the learning and wellbeing programs at our school. 


The review panel members visited classrooms to observe classroom and specialist lessons across the school. This gave the panel members the opportunity to observe the teaching and learning practices in the classrooms. 


As part of the review process, we also sought student feedback. To do this small groups of students  were assembled, and our students were provided the opportunity to explain what they like about CRPS and what they think we should / could  improve. The first thing that was spoken about by every group was that the teachers and staff treat them with kindness and respect, and how they feel connected to our school.  We were so proud of this feedback.


Parents were  interviewed at the end of the school day and our panel was thrilled with the number of parents approaching the panel members as they wanted to share their views of the school. Again, the panel was incredibly impressed by the positive and glowing feedback from these members of our school community.


All CRPS staff were spoken to about their thoughts and experiences of working at CRPS and what we can do to improve our school. The final part of the review was to set goals and key improvement strategies for our 2022-2026 School Strategic plan. 


The Reviewer, SEIL and challenge partners were so impressed with all aspects of our school. There are things that we know we need to work on, and these will be part of our next strategic plan. We look forward to receiving the reviewer’s final report, which we will  share with staff and school council.


Our entire school community should be very proud of school.  We have caring, talented, hardworking staff, motivated students and a parent community that values education and supports their children with their schooling. 


It is a pleasure to lead such a successful and inclusive school. 

Child Safety and Wellbeing at Camelot Rise Primary School - Information for Families and the School Community

Camelot Rise Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe. 


Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote, and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:


All of these are available for you to read on our school website 

Camelot Rise Primary | Glen Waverley | Home


Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

  • Child Safety Code of Conduct
  • Child safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure
  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Visitors Policy
  • Digital Learning


As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Camelot Rise Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback.


If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact the school via COMPASS, or via email Camelot 

Planning for 2023

As we move towards the end of the 2022 school year, we continue to make plans to ensure optimal learning opportunities for our students in 2023. We are thrilled to announce that due to another increase in student numbers we anticipate that we will have 17 classes in 2023.


In 2022 we had 16 classes and in 2021 we had 13 classes. This growth is testament to outstanding student academic results, dedicated and highly skilled staff, motivated students, and supportive parents.


At this stage, our class model will look like this. Please be aware this is not confirmed until later in the year (mid-December) as student numbers may still change

  • 3 Foundation (Prep) classes
  • 3 Year One classes
  • 3 Year Two classes
  • 2 Year Three classes
  • 2 Year Four classes
  • 2 Year Five classes 
  • 2 Year Six classes

Due to our current student numbers, we anticipate that all 17 classes will be ‘straight’ classes in 2023; there will not be a multi-age class. As stated above student numbers do vary towards the end of the year and we will not be able to confirm our 2023 class structures until the middle of December,

Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Teacher in 2023

We are thrilled to announce that we have appointed a specialist STEM teacher for 2023. Mrs. Lorna Vinar will be teaching STEM to all classes in 2023. Mrs. Vinar has been teaching Science at Kew High School for a number of years and we are thrilled to have her as part of our staff.  We look forward to welcoming Mrs Vinar to our Camelot Rise Primary School community. 


In 2023 all students at Camelot Rise PS will attend weekly 50-minute Specialist classes in the following curriculum areas:

  • Physical Education
  • French
  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • STEM 

We are incredibly fortunate that we can offer specialist teachers in all these Curriculum areas.

Class Formulation

We would like to thank all the parents who took the time to share information with me recently, regarding their child’s class/group placement for next year. 


We will now begin the process of allocating the children to classes.


Our staff work hard to set up balanced, fair, and productive classes across the whole school. As staff continue with the thorough process of allocating children to class groups, many meetings occur and all children will be placed into a class group for next year, with at least one friend of their choosing. 

School Wide Positive Behaviours (SWPBS)

As part of our current and next Strategic Plan we will continue to implement our School Wide Positive Behaviour Program. This program will bolster the wonderful well-being programs of Camelot Rise Primary School. With a view to improving student confidence, resilience, self-regulation, and peer connection our SWPSBS team have been working on a number of initiatives to further bolster the wellbeing of students, staff and parents at CRPS. These include but are not limited to;

  • Respectful Relationships Implementation – Capabilities
  • Buddies Reform 
  • Tiered Intervention Framework- Student, Parent and Teachers 
  • School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Framework 
  • Alignment with vision, values, learning dispositions and actions. 

School wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a framework for creating safe and orderly learning environments in schools, while improving the social-emotional outcomes for students. It is a proactive approach that relies on research-based practices, including developing clear behavioural expectations, teaching these expectations, acknowledging appropriate behaviour, consistently correcting inappropriate behaviour, and using behavioural data to systematically solve problems.


The School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) framework aims to:

  • bring together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.
  • assist schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

Students and staff benefit from:

  • increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • increased time focused on instruction
  • improved social-emotional wellbeing
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • increased adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
  • a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance.

Our acceptance into this program is another way that we are supporting our students to be the best they can be and further demonstration of our commitment to our improvement agenda and alignment of Student Wellbeing and learning that exists in DETs revised Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) 



A huge congratulations to Selini (4WT) who in the last two weeks represented our school at two major sporting events.


Selini won the 200m metres at the Regional Athletics day. This meant that Selini progressed to the State Championships which were held last Wednesday. We are thrilled to announce that Selini came 5th in the state for 200 metres. 

This is a great effort, and we are very proud of Selini.



Remembrance Day

On Friday, 11th November students and staff will commemorate Remembrance Day which is a significant day in Australia. Remembrance Day commemorates the noble sacrifices of 

armed forces and civilians during times of war. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, one minutes silence is observed across the country to mark the end of hostilities on the Western front during WW1 after four years of warfare. Poppies are available from the office with all proceeds going to the RSL.


Our students will be recognising Remembrance Day by watching a live stream of the Remembrance Service on Friday, November 11th commencing at 10:30am.  


We will slightly alter our bell times on this day to enable our school community to stop, pause and reflect for a minute’s silence at 11.00am.

Slime Run 4 Fun Run! Friday, 2nd December

We are very excited about our upcoming Slime Run 4 Fun event to be held on Friday, 2nd December. We ask parents to read all the Compass feeds about this event. This promises to be a great fun event for our students.

We Celebrate "Camelot Rise Staff Day"

Friday, 28th October was officially World Teacher’s Day. This is often a day when school leadership arranges a special morning tea for the teaching staff. At Camelot Rise PS we plan to celebrate ‘Staff Day’ on Tuesday, 15th November. This will be a day where we take the time to reflect on the job every member of staff does. Collectively, every person that 

works at Camelot Rise Primary School has an important role to play and no role is any more important than any other. 


We want to take the time to publicly thank our wonderful staff for their continued efforts to help CRPS improve in all facets of our teaching and learning. The staff go to enormous lengths behind the scenes to ensure that we are catering to all our students’ individual needs, both academically and emotionally. A significant part of this work is done after hours and at home, so it is not always see. I can guarantee that the stereotype of 9-3:30 could not be further from the truth. We are very proud to lead this dedicated and hardworking staff.

2024 Enrolments

The Education Department has recently released a new plan and process for the timeline of Foundation enrolments for 2024 and beyond. The process is aligned to the Year 6-7 process, ensuring more consistent and timely enrolment to primary school practices across the state. 


Over the last three years we have urged parents to have applications for enrolment provided by June in the year prior. It is important for us to be able to plan for the following year with clear information. One of the most important aspects of this is understanding how many siblings will be enrolling. If you have a younger child who will be school age come 2024, please consider assisting us by downloading an enrolment form from the CRPS website or by picking one up from the office and then completing it as soon as possible. 


Parents can check if they are inside our school zone via this link:

Are you leaving CRPS in 2023?

We ask that you let us know if you are moving or have enrolled to another school in 2023. We require this information as soon as possible to establish grade structures for the start of the new school year. 

If your child is currently in Grades Foundation – 5 and will not be at Camelot Rise in 2023 please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible. 



Matt and Ben