Library & Book Fair



This week we held our Book Fair at Great Ryrie Primary School in the Brian Allen Hall. After an exciting start on Monday, heavy rainfall, hail, power failure and no EFTPOS, we were back in full swing for the 2022 LAMONT BOOK FAIR!


A big THANK – YOU to the parents that have volunteered to help with the sales at the Book Fair; and to all the families that have come to visit bringing a lovely community spirit and the love of reading.



The last Book Club for the year was processed online, Tuesday 22nd November, and delivery is expected around the end of November. 

If you have opted for a GIFT delivery (you do not want the books to be given to your child) I will give you a call to say that you can pick the items up from the Office.

Thank-you to the families that have ordered through Scholastic Book Club this year. 



2022 has flown by so quickly and all the books need to be returned to the Library by WEDNESDAY 7th December so that STOCK-TAKE can commence.

All books need to be scanned in a STOCK-TAKE, so that means that they have to be physically in the library.


Grades are still able to come to the Library to enjoy the space but from the Thursday 8th December it is returns only, please.


Happy reading,

Mardi Pechar

Library Technician