Wellbeing & Engagement 

Wellbeing Excursion to Eastland 


On Wednesday 23rd November our Foundation students headed off to Eastland for a Friendology (language of friendship) excursion  - which was kindly put together by Edwina Ricci from the Maroondah Positive Education Network


The students participated in three fun activities:


Ninja Fitness (Facilitated by the Australian Martial Arts Foundation)

  • The children  completed a session of martial arts aligned with Friendology. Look out!


Friendship Ninja Zone 

  • To celebrate the Friendology monthly theme of Kindness, students learned about Friendology and being Kind on Purpose.



Kindness Crafts 

  • Students enjoyed 45mins of creative fun that inspired kindness and generosity. Colouring Friendship posters, making friendship bracelets and etching a Friendship Ninja. What fun!


Thank you to everyone who made this excursion possible. The children and the teachers had a wonderful day and enjoyed learning about the importance of being kind and strong in our friendships.