Teaching and Learning Hub

Dear Parents/Carers,
The 2022 school year has come to an end, what a huge year it’s been!
Full of surprises and lots of awesome learning opportunities for our students, we are proud of the experience afforded to our students this year. We started the year with a wonderful buzz around the school, welcoming students at all year levels back to face to face learning. The start-up program comprised of various workshops designed to help students get organised, excited about their subjects and all the co-curricular opportunities on offer but most importantly it was so great to see students re-connect with their peers after a couple of very challenging years.
Moreover, this year our Start Up Program workshops and ongoing learning throughout the year has centered around the College’s Learning Dispositions, equipping students with the skills to be successful learners with a focus on Critical and Creative Thinking, Collaboration, Resilience and Resourcefulness.
In the last two years, we have been heavily focused on improving our teachers’ instructional practice, that is, how effectively they teach in the classroom and how impact is measured. This year we launched a strengthened whole school Pedagogical Model which is informed by contemporary research on best teaching practices. Furthermore, we also launched our new Professional Learning Communities (PLC) approach, for which we undertook extensive training in 2021.
The Curriculum & Pedagogy Team that Ms Larcombe and I lead, has a strong plan to continually improve the quality of our teaching and learning programmes here at the school. We are determined to provide the best possible support and education to all students.
We’ve have witnessed remarkable achievements this year with students really embracing the benefits of onsite learning once again. However, we also recognise that it’s not been easy and that for many students there’s been a feeling of fatigue. The summer break provides an opportunity to recharge and spend quality time with family and friends.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period and look forward to 2023.
Paul Broecker
Assistant Principal