Mabo House News

Dear Students and Families,
Congratulations to you all for a great year here at HPSC. We are so proud of your efforts and focus with learning this year, particularly with our 3-week commencement program. As a house we appreciate our parents and caregivers taking time to work with us to support your child to be their best. It has been a big term full of fun and engaging learning, allowing our students to try new things and challenge themselves in different ways. It is so fantastic as a House Leader to see our students in action in the classroom, supporting and encouraging their peers and stepping out of their comfort zones through excursions and extracurricular activities. Last week 45 of our students attended the Leadership Camp at Phillip Island. Students had the opportunity to build cohesion as a team and develop their skills as young leaders whilst having a lot of fun canoeing, enjoying the giant swing and much more. Thank you to Miss Blackmore who did a fantastic job in planning and delivering the 2022 Leadership Camp and for your work in leading the Peer Support Program – Mabo had the biggest number of students in leadership positions in the peer support program this year and from all accounts from staff and students it was a fantastic time down at Phillip Island. We cannot wait to see what our Peer Support, SRC and House Captains have planned for 2023.
Another thing we love about Mabo is the sense of community and how everyone chips in when things need to be done. Thank you to the students and staff who organised and assisted the “Lysterfield” Lake BBQ at school on Monday to celebrate the end of the year 7-9 learning program. Unfortunately, due to bad weather we had to cancel our trip however the PE staff showed great flexibility and organised team games and activities that the students engaged with throughout the day having an amazing time!
This week our team was so excited to meet the Grade 6 students who will be starting with us next year. Their positivity, ability to work together and engagement in the activities was wonderful to see. The best part of joining a high school is getting a fresh start and making new friends and the Mabo team witnessed this today and cannot wait to see you grow and succeed in and outside of the classroom.
A big congratulations to all our Year 12 students, the class of 2022 have completed their high schooling career. You have achieved wonderful things throughout your time with us and we wish you every success in the next chapter of your lives. The Dux for VCE and VCAL we are hoping are from Mabo, we are so excited.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Mabo Student Learning Leaders Mr Marriot, Mr Musa and Ms JP for their incredibly hard work this year. They have been the champions of our students, demonstrating care, compassion, laughs and support on a daily basis and we are so appreciative of all of your work.
Over the break we are getting a small renovation in the Mabo House, and we are excited to see how it looks upon our return and can’t wait for you to drop in and check it out. We also look forward to introducing you to our new team members in 2023, and hope that you have a fun, safe and happy summer break.
Take care and we can’t wait to see you next year!
Erin Louden & the Mabo Team 😊
Goodbye from Miss JP
Dear Students and Guardians,
Just wanted to wish you all a happy and safe break! I will no longer be the Year 9/10 Mabo Student Learning Leader (SLL) when we return in 2023, but I wanted to reach out and say that I have really enjoyed working with you all and thank you for your support when I have given you a call throughout the year! Year 9's and 10's, I am so proud of how far you have all come. You have all worked so hard and have set records for values nominations and attendance improvements. Remember that there is nothing you cannot do if you put your mind too it, and that the right path may not be the easiest one!Please take care of yourselves, take a break and have some fun. I look forward to seeing you all achieve greatness here at HPSC in 2023! JP 🥰
Values Nominations Totals for Mabo!
Congratulations to our students for demonstrating our college values in and outside the classroom this year, our stats for the end of the year are:
That is a total of 3901 nominations since the beginning of the year!