Pathways and Transition

JTC Career Tools


Thank you for taking the time to read through the Pathways and Transition component of the JTC weekly newsletter. To get in touch regarding matters concerning Pathways and Transition, please contact Jane Hedley, Head of Pathways and Transition: 9383 0416 or 

In this week’s Pathways and Transition newsletter read about:

  • Important Dates for Year 12s: TAFE applications and university admissions
  • STAT Test
  • Changing university preferences
  • School leavers support 
  • 2023 University-related scholarships
  • University Course Guides 2023
  • Higher Education News 
  • TISC guide
  • Apprenticeships and traineeships 
  • Defence Industry careers 
  • Gap Year resources
  • Medicine resources
  • Senior school in focus
  • Year 10 in focus 
  • Middle years in focus
  • People with a disability in focus
  • Spotlight: Top Tips for LinkedIn
  • Spotlight: Where can a Bachelor of Biomedicine take me? (The University of Melbourne)

Important Dates for Year 12s: TAFE applications and university admissions

Students may still apply to most university courses- via TISC or directly through the website for UWA, Notre Dame, WAAPA courses and Murdoch- up until the release of ATAR results on 18th December. There are a few exceptions, including undergraduate Medicine, for which applications closed on 30th September. Students who wish to enter undergraduate Medicine are advised not to remove Medicine from first in their preference list.  University Admission Centres in other Australian states generally close off admissions by 30 September but students may be able to submit a late application by paying an extra fee. 


North Metropolitan TAFE applications for adult courses commencing Semester 1 2023 are now open. Apply here. South Metropolitan TAFE applications for Semester 1 2023 are also now open. Apply here. Applications for both TAFEs close Friday 2nd December. Year 12 leavers must make sure they are applying to the adult TAFE courses and not VET Delivered to Secondary School Students courses.


Important dates regarding release of ATAR results for Western Australian students and main and subsequent round TISC offers from Western Australian universities can be found here.


Students who have applied for places at universities in other states in Australia are advised to check each state’s university admission body website for important dates. Here are some useful links for each university admission body:

Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) 

The STAT test is a mechanism students can use to demonstrate their English competency, if they have not completed ATAR English at school and it is a university entrance requirement, or if they have completed but failed ATAR English or Literature.


The STAT test may be booked from 24th October  up until 23rd November, for a sitting date of 26th November, for those students who have not completed ATAR English and need to demonstrate their English Competency for their university entrance via STAT test. Booking guide and form here.


Students who fail ATAR English (do not achieve a scaled score of 50 in ATAR English) can sit the STAT test later in December and may be invited to do so by the university/universities that have applied to. STAT information, including booking and sitting dates for students who fail ATAR English, can be found here.

Changing University Preferences

TISC APPLICATIONS: Once they have applied, students may change preferences as many times as they wish, subject to closing dates, without incurring any extra charge. This year, applicants have only a short period of time following the release of Year 12 results, (18th December 2022,) to reassess and rearrange their preferences for the Main Round of offers. Preference changes for the Main Round will close at 11.59pm on Monday 19 December. TISC advises all 2022 Year 12 students to log in to the TISC website in the week leading up to results release, to ensure their user ID and password are working. There may be a high volume of calls and emails on the day of results release. Following the release of Main Round offers, it will be possible for applicants to change preferences until 11.59pm on Sunday 15 January 2023, in preparation for the second major offer round. This time between offer rounds is an opportunity to seek advice from TISC and/or the universities if an applicant did not receive an offer or is unsure about their options.


DIRECT APPLICATIONS: Students who have applied directly to universities via university websites are advised to contact the admissions team at their university of interest via telephone or email. Most universities will have an open door policy on Sunday 18 December (ATAR release day,) whereby students can drop in to the campus to get help from advisor’s regarding their admission.

School Leavers Support

The Federal government has a dedicated website ( offering a suite of resources to support students’ transitions from school. They have also employed professionally qualified career development practitioners to support students 


Support for early school leavers

If you know students who want to leave school early, they may be eligible for support to help access training. This can include:

  • mentoring and counselling;
  • assistance with language and literacy;
  • assistance with meals; and
  • assistance with transport and child care.

To be eligible, you must be aged 15 to 24, and not engaged in education or full-time employment or training. For school aged students, only those with an exemption or full time Notice of Arrangements are eligible.


Check HERE for information or contact a Jobs and Skills Centre. 



Curtin University Scholarships

Many scholarships remain open for year 12 students who wish to study at Curtin University in 2023.Click here to view Curtin’s scholarships page.

Principal’s Recommendation Award

WA high school principals may nominate two students based on any of the criteria listed on the scholarship webpage. The nomination form is to be completed and submitted by the School Principal by the closing date 18 November, 2022.

Curtin Excellence and ATAR Achievement Scholarships

Students who receive an ATAR of 96+ and place an eligible Curtin course as their first preference through TISC will automatically be considered for the Curtin Excellence Scholarship. Students who apply for an early offer and achieve an ATAR 3 points higher than their predicted ATAR will be considered for the ATAR Achievement Scholarship

Other scholarship opportunities

Curtin University is also offering a number of merit and equity based scholarships for 2023. We invite schools to share this information with their students. All scholarships are now open for application and close on 18 November, 2022.


Please note that if students are shortlisted for more than one scholarship or award, they will be offered the scholarship or award of the highest value.

ECU Scholarships

NEW ATAR Scholarships

ECU are pleased to announce we have two new ATAR achievement scholarships for Year 12’s who have ECU as their first preference.

More info can be found below on each scholarship:


Also check out their flyer here

UWA Scholarship Finder

UWA has a dedicated scholarship website. You can use filters to find the right scholarship for you. Click here.

Notre Dame Scholarships

Many of Notre Dame’s scholarships only just opened and will close in two weeks time. Due to this short window, students may have a high likelihood of success for scholarships they apply to!


Notre Dame University has a dedicated scholarship website. You can use filters to find the right scholarship for you. Click here.

Murdoch University Scholarships

Murdoch University has a dedicated scholarship website. You can use filters to find the right scholarship for you. Click here.

Additional Scholarship Resource – merit-based scholarships 

John XXIII College subscribes to a career development service in Melbourne, called Compass Careers, who produce an excellent resource detailing hundreds of scholarships across Australia, from the likes of industry, universities, charities and more. Here is the resource for your perusal. As this is a subscription, it is appreciated that the resource stays within the College community. 



Scholarships to Study Abroad

Looking to study abroad but worried about the costs? Good news! There are hundreds of scholarships to study abroad, including general scholarships and more specialized funding schemes. Some are offered by government agencies, some by individual universities, and others by external funding organizations and charitable enterprises.


The Top Universities website is an excellent resource to learn more about what scholarships are on offer.  Students can search for region-specific scholarships or country-specific scholarshipsStudents can even search forsubject-specific scholarships.


Students are encouraged to browse


C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship


C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships are one of the most generous privately funded scholarships available to undergraduate students in Australia.  Each residential scholarship is valued at up to $60,000 over three years.  The scholarships are available to all Australian students, and the majority are usually awarded to students entering their first year of university studies.


Selection is largely based on personal qualities and demonstrated leadership as well as academic ability.  Undergraduate Hawker Scholars are able to attend a range of Australian educational institutions, so this scholarship is not restricted to one university.

The Charles Hawker Scholarship perpetuates the memory of scholar, soldier and pastoralist Charles Allan Seymour Hawker and commemorates the achievements of one of Australia’s most respected political leaders.


The 2023 C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships will open on Monday 5 December 2022 and close on Friday 6 January 2023.


Current Year 12 students are encouraged to browse Hawker Scholarship for more information about the scholarship, and to download an application form. 

Study Work Grow Scholarships page

Study Work Grow has also put together a number of links to various scholarships around Australia. 


Check it out here.







Students who are yet to apply to any university courses, or those considering course preference changes may be interested in consulting the following 2023 course guides:

Curtin Undergraduate Course Guide published

The Curtin 2023 Undergraduate Course Guide is now available to view online. 


Discover new information about careers, Australian and global study opportunities, our accommodation offerings and course information.


View the 2023 Undergraduate Course Guide


Links to 2023 Curtin Guides

Faculty specific Curtin course guides for 2023 are also now available online:


ECU 2023 course Guide

Here is ECU’s 2023 course guide e-publication



WAAPA 2023 Course Guide

If you are interested in a career in the arts, you can find WAAPA courses in:

  • Aboriginal performance
  • Acting & Screen Performance
  • Arts and Cultural Management
  • Dance
  • Music and Music Theatre
  • Performing Arts
  • Production Design. 

You can find the Course Guide HERE. 

 dance, theatre, and music 

UWA 2023 Course Guide

Students interested in studying at UWA can check the range of courses in the Undergraduate Course Guide for 2023.


Students can register now 


Murdoch 2023 Course Guide

The Murdoch handbook, including information about all their courses, can be found here. Their undergraduate page may also be helpful.





Notre Dame 2023 Fremantle Course Guide

This is an e-publication of Notre Dame’s domestic undergraduate guide for 2023, for their Fremantle campus.




News from ECU




Are you interested in learning more about working in defence positions or government agencies in the Security and Intelligence field? 


The Security and Intelligence Conference 2022 is happening at the ECU Joondalup campus, and it’s free to attend! 


The Security and Intelligence Conference is aimed at uni, TAFE, Cadets, and interested Year 10 and 11 students. The theme for the conference is "Preparing for the 2030 strategy".


ECU have managed to secure the ASD, DIO, AGSO, DSE, and AFP (see the event registration page for full names) to provide talks. They will also have an exhibitor's space upstairs during the breaks for participants to check out.


Event Details

Date: Thursday, 24 November 2022

Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm

Register Here! For further information please see the attached Security and Intelligence Conference flyer or visit the event page.

ECU Movie Night for Year 10, 11 and 12 Students!

ECU is once again hosting our free Movie Night for Year 10, 11 and 12 students on Thursday 1 December 2022! 


School holidays are almost here and what better way for the students to celebrate than a FREE night out with their friends! 


Students can enjoy a FREE movie, entertainment, food & drink and the chance to win some major giveaways! 


Please pass the attached updated invitation on to your Year 10, 11 and 12 students where they can register to attend


Sunday 18 December and Monday 19 December

Year 12 students can come along to the Future Students Centre on Sunday 18 December from 9am – 3pm and Monday 19 December from 8.30am – 5pm to get all their questions answered on their application (direct or through TISC), our courses and more. We’ll be on hand to offer advice and support, to help students figure out which path is right for them. 


Christmas Opening Hours

UWA’s Future Students Team is here to help you during the holidays. Contact us at any time during the opening hours below:

  • Sunday 18 December: 9am – 3pm (open for the UWA ATAR Help Day)
  • Monday 19 to Friday 23 December: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 December: Closed
  • Thursday 29 December: 9am – 4pm
  • Friday 30 December: 9am – 12pm

UWA Parents’ Space

Whether you’re seeking guidance to help your teenager figure out what to study or navigate their transition from high school to uni – we welcome you to the Parent’s Space. Here you’ll find advice, tips and all the info you wish you knew when you were a teenager, shared by other parents and guardians like you. 


Visit our Parents Space webpage here.

15 November Murdoch Future Students Q&A

Questions you have about studying, or campus life can be answered at this online opportunity. Register HERE


Google Grow- micro credentials

A new micro-credentialing program from Google has launched to train Australians in digital skills of “high demand” in six months or less, with 10,000 free scholarships to be offered to largely underrepresented groups.


Google Career Certificates (

Grow with Google: Get the right skills to reach new opportunities


Free trainings, tools, and helpful resources to help you grow your business or career.

Career in nursing

AMA College is the vocational training arm of the Australian Medical Association (WA) inc. Located in the heart of Joondalup, our state-of-the-art training facility, together with extensive partnerships with healthcare employers, offers prospective students exciting pathways into care-related and nursing careers. AMA College is in the final stages of accreditation for its Enrolled Nurse program, with a planned commencement for Semester 1, 2023. If you would like to find out more about what a career in nursing could look like, discover how AMA College is proposing to deliver its Diploma of Nursing program and try your hand at some practical nursing skills come along to one of our upcoming free Career Exploration Sessions. Parents are welcome to attend too. Open the flyer for dates, times, and registration details.


Study nursing and midwifery free from 2023 in VIC


From next year, free degrees, training, and upskilling will be provided for nurses and midwives.

2023 to 2024:

  • Future nurses and midwives undertaking an undergraduate degree in nursing and midwifery will study for free, providing they join a public health service upon completion and stay for two years.
  • Former nurses and midwives will be able to update their qualifications for free to re-enter to workforce.
  • Current enrolled nurses will be able to become registered nurses for free.

The package also includes funding for: 

  • 100 nurses to become Nurse Practitioners.
  • 150 nurses to continue working while they study to become midwives.
  • 745 additional graduate and post-graduate nursing positions in health services.

It is anticipated that the package will support the recruitment and training of 17,000 nurses and midwives to the health system. These nurses and midwives will play a critical role alongside current healthcare workers as the health system continues to respond to current demand, and reforms to increase capacity for the future.


Click these links to learn more about:


Science & Computing 

ECU has a reputation for its focus on cutting edge computing. It has:

  • A partnership with IBM which includes paid industry partnerships
  • The head office of the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre is based at ECU
  • 1300 cyber security students
  • A Security Operations Centre will be established in partnership with the State government to deal with real problems as they emerge. 
  • Neurodiverse students wanted. The ECU Computing faculty has space for 400 neurodiverse students. 
  • Only 1 of 3 horticulture degrees in Australia. 
  • Check the handbook HERE

Make enquiries HERE. 


Engineering – multidisciplinary approach

At a recent seminar for career educators, Dr Kevin Hayward, explained that the ECU engineering program is an integrated multidisciplinary model. 

They boast that they have the best engineering research and development equipment in WA and they have great challenges like the electric car challenge.

ECU staff think there is little understanding of how great engineering is at ECU. 

Why study Engineering at ECU?


Business and Law

ECU world status in business is rising each year. It is ranked #30 worldwide for hospitality and tourism. 









Health Sciences

  • This faculty makes sure course groups are small and that students are cared for. 
  • Its Occupational Therapy course is ranked highest by students in Australia.
  • There is a new course in Speech Pathology

WAAPA VET and Degrees

The WA Academy of Performing Arts will be moving to the new city campus in 2025. 

It offers degree and VET programs which include a two year, full-time course with a three semester articulation to a degree, in each of the following disciplines:

Curtin has 3 new humanities majors in 2023

  1. Bachelor of Design (Design Innovation and Fabrication).Students will design and produce prototypes of the things that people want, from mobile phones and furniture to children’s toys and self-driving cars. 
  2. Bachelor of Design (Advertising and Design). In this major, students will drive the development of creative advertising and capture consumers’ imagination and attention with their designs.
  3. Bachelor of Arts (Security and Strategic Studies). Students will learn the art of strategy and leadership and understand present and future threats.

Mine and Engineering Surveying - new bachelor’s degree

Curtin New Bachelor of Mine and Engineering Surveying 

This is a new course for those looking for a career in the mining and resources sector.

Mine surveyors are responsible for the measurement, representation and management of data associated with a mining operation, while engineering surveyors have a key role in the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, industrial plants and hydraulic engineering. When students graduate from this course, they will meet the education requirements of Western Australia’s Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety for certification as an underground or open pit mine surveyor.

Bachelor of Mines and Engineering Surveying

Curtin Physiotherapy - honours year added

From 2023, the Curtin Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) degree will include an honours year to become a professional four-year degree. At the end of the four years, students will be awarded the Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Physiotherapy) and can apply for registration with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia and membership of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Curtin New Bachelor of Science course structure for 2023

Curtin has restructured the Bachelor of Science to provide more options for students looking for an innovative STEM career. 

The new structure allows students to study multiple STEM fields or an academic discipline from another learning area. For example, they could major in agriculture and also study economics – and create a skill set for an influential role helping vulnerable populations access sufficient food for physical and economic wellbeing.

For further information contact: Dr Brenda Rohl, Science First Year Lead. Email: or Tel: +61 8 9266 7539.

Curtin Multidisciplinary Science - new pathways to a science career

Curtin adapted its Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science degree to ensure that students can surge to the forefront of emerging fields with exciting, in-demand careers for decades to come. Through its majors, this degree also provides a pathway to study the Bachelor of Science majors and other STEM degrees if they haven’t studied science before or don’t meet the prerequisites for these courses. Majors include Computational science, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Engineering Science and Physical Sciences.


Find details HERE.

TISC University Admissions Information 2021-2024

TISCOnline - Course Prerequisites

TISC is the Tertiary Institutions Services Centre. It is the Centre that organizes applications to universities      across Western Australia 

Find information about:




Programmed/Personakelly apprenticeships and traineeships





Dampier Bunbury Pipeline

Hofmann Engineering Fitter/Machinist Apprentice Intake Open

A Hofmann Engineering apprenticeship is your ticket to a great career. Their training and care for their staff is first class. 


Hofmann Engineering is a world class specialist engineering company that started in Western Australia. You can read about them HERE. 

You can apply for a Hofmann Engineering apprenticeship HERE.

Up to $10,000 in VET scholarship 

The Commonwealth Government’s Scholarships Program for Young Australians Program provides scholarships of up to $10,000 for study costs, for courses that target in-demand occupations across a range of industries including construction, healthcare, information technology, sports and recreation and education.

  • Indigenous young Australians 
  • Young Australians with a disability
  • Young Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  •  Individuals who have exited from the ADF in the previous two years (age criteria does not apply for ex-ADF applicants)

Find details HERE.

New Course 2023 Cert III Agricultural Mechanical Technology

From idea to reality. After several years in the planning, the Agricultural Mechanical training facility at Muresk is almost complete and will be ready to take its first students in 2023. 

Students will be able to do an apprenticeship specialising in the agricultural vehicles and equipment. Find details of the course HERE.

Water Corporation Traineeships and Apprenticeships

Click here to learn more about and apply to the opportunities at Water Corporation.

United Forklift and Access Solutions

United has grown to be one of Australia’s largest forklift and access equipment companies. As a proudly family-owned Australian business, we are committed to providing a diverse and inclusive work environment where people enjoy working. Furthermore, our goal is to become an employer of choice with flexibility and long-term opportunities.


To help create greater flexibility and a healthier work-life balance for our employees, you’ll get the choice to work a standard work week, work a 9-day fortnight or have a monthly day off. Plus, you’ll also earn an additional 5-days Anniversary Leave each year on top of your 4 weeks annual leave, which gives a total of 5 weeks leave. What this means is More Time for U! 


Click here to view nation-wide opportunities at United. 


South Metropolitan TAFE How to become an apprentice or trainee 

An apprenticeship or traineeship may be the best option for you. But how do you begin? 

South Metro TAFE has put together a four-part guide to help you on your career path. You can find:

Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service – Induction Kit 


This Induction Kit is a free resource designed to support staff within the Australian apprenticeship and traineeship industry.


It covers core information for new staff that should be included as part of their induction to the sector. It also takes a deeper dive into technical elements of the Australian Apprenticeships system for those familiar with the sector who are looking to increase their knowledge. You can get your free copy HERE.


CCI Intake Guide

Each year the Chamber of Commerce and Industry publishes the WA Apprenticeship & Traineeship Intake Guide. 


The guide delivers information about companies that are employing apprentices and trainees and identifies where to go for help. 


If you plan to apply for an apprenticeship or traineeship during the holidays, see the new guide HERE. 

How to Make Your Career in Mining

The Make Your Career in Mining careers guide identifies more than 100 careers across the mining industry on mine sites, in high-tech remote mining centres, in science as well as computer laboratories – or any mix of locations.The guide outlines opportunities in managing a team, rehabilitating mine sites, building robotics or piloting drones, engineering machinery, safeguarding native plants and animals, or tackling climate change.


Download a copy HERE. 


Get a job working with a young person with a disability

I remember a friend telling me that young people with a disability would love to have a young person caring for them, but all the workers are mature aged. 

If you are interested in a traineeship in the health or caring field, check this out:

Depending on your strengths, interest and career goals, there are various pathways to consider:

  • Certificates III and IV in Allied Health Assistants
  • Certificate III in Individual Support
  • Certificate IV in Disability
  • Certificates III and IV in Community Services
  • Certificate IV in Mental Health

If you are interested in learning more about Traineeships in the disability sector, please contact us at and we can connect you with a suitable employer.


Roy Hill Early Careers Programs

Every considered a career in mining? Roy Hill Early Careers Programs offer a raft of training and development opportunities designed to help you forge a rewarding career within a world-class mining operation. 


See more details here


Programmed apprenticeship recruiting open for 2023

Kick-start your career with Australia’s best in the energy sector. Programmed National Energy Technicians Training Scheme (NETTS) is now recruiting for our 2023 Apprenticeship program.


Get information HERE. 


MEGT Job Board

Your local apprenticeship experts since 1982


MEGT is a not-for-profit organisation which has been supporting employers, apprentices, trainees, job seekers and students for almost 40 years.


Initially founded as the Outer Eastern Apprenticeship Scheme, by 1999 MEGT (Melbourne Eastern Group Training) had commenced operations in New South Wales. We now have more than 400 staff operating from almost 60 offices across the country, along with a team of local apprenticeship experts who are dedicated to meeting the needs of the communities in which they live and the businesses which operate there.


Our local apprenticeship experts work across every state in Australia, helping businesses, apprentices and trainees get the most from the Australian Apprenticeships program.

Our focus is on delivering the highest standards of service in every aspect of our business. Our commitment to quality and ongoing improvement is reflected in our attainment of world-standard qualifications in areas such as data protection, quality management and cyber security.


Check out the MEGT Job board here

Study Work Grow Apprenticeship Resource

Tis the new season for apprenticeships and traineeships! Study Work Grow have compiled an extensive list of apprenticeship and traineeship programmes currently open at companies Australia wide. Some of these are detailed in this newsletter- but there are many more! Check them out here: Apprenticeships and Traineeships - Study Work Grow


Apprentice Hub to Help Document Career Journeys

There is a new My Pathway Hub where you can store information which will help you on your path to an apprenticeship or traineeship.


It is perfect if you’re working in the Australian Apprenticeships industry and would like to have all your Job & Training Descriptions in one place  

Check it out HERE


AATIS PRIVACY POLICY: Be conscious of the personal information that you are disclosing. 


This Hub only works because you disclose your personal information and give them permission to use it to provide their service back to you. 

  • You can opt out of direct marketing of new services. 
  • If you are under 15 you need to have a parent or guardian to consent to them collecting your information.
  • Section 10 of their Privacy Policy is about them having discretion to transfer, sell or assign your personal information to one or more third parties. That could be a concern. 

You can check out their Privacy Policy HERE. 


These tips for getting a traineeship or apprenticeship are gold.


These tips are from Rob Palmer, Careers Advisor at South Metro TAFE:

  • Step 1: Ask for a work placement with a business you are interested in while still at school. 
    Schools will cover your insurance while on work placement/experience. When you leave school, you can get insurance cover from Volunteering WA, but the range of volunteering work is limited. 
  • Step 2: Demonstrate what a great employee you are.
  • Step 3: Get information from a Jobs and Skills Centre on subsidies and workforce planning support that EMPLOYERS can get.
  • Step 4: Tell the potential employer about the subsidies and ask if they will take you on. 
  • Step 5: It they won’t take you on, ask if they know of anyone who can take you on.

New pathways into early childhood education and care

The Early Childhood Education and Care Job Ready Program has two components: 

  1. in class training with an approved, accredited training provider, plus 
  2. an industry work placement for hands on experience. The program will be available on either a full time (five weeks total) or part time (ten weeks total) study basis. 

Year 12 students who are leaving school can access a subsidised training place from 24 October 2022.


Apprentice Accommodation Allowance from CTF

Get funding assistance when you travel for your off-the-job training.


The Construction Training Fund can provide an accommodation allowance to apprentices and trainees living in regional WA who need to travel to attend scheduled off-the-job training with an RTO. The allowance covers the difference between their rebate from the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) and their-out-of-pocket expenses for commercial accommodation.


For details go HERE.


Apprenticeship & Trainee Support for Students with Disabilities

The Australian Government provides support to Australian Apprentices and Trainees with disability to help them to reach their full potential as skilled workers. This support ranges from training services to financial support and assistance with making work-related modifications.

ADCET has compiled this information and related resources to help Australian Apprentices and Trainees, as well as their employers, find out everything they need to know about the support available to them.


Find out more HERE. 

Microsoft Traineeship Programme

Australia’s IT industry is rapidly growing, and the demand for talented, knowledgeable and experienced individuals has never been higher.


That’s why Microsoft Australia has launched the Microsoft Traineeship Program, designed to support budding technology/IT professionals to take the first step in their career.


Microsoft Trainees will be employed through MEGT’s Group Training program, making MEGT your legal employer. We’ll place you with a Host Employer within the Microsoft Australia network and they’ll be responsible for your day to day work, on-the-job training and development.


Together with MEGT, Microsoft Australia is giving you the chance to gain:

  • Paid on-the-job experience within the Microsoft Australia network
  • A Certificate IV in Information Technology delivered by TAFE
  • Industry-recognised Microsoft Certifications, including a specialisation in Cloud Skills as part of the Azure Administrator Certification Track
  • A strong foundation in all aspects of IT and emerging technology, and
  • Expert support from MEGT, Microsoft Australia and TAFE every step of the way

Expressions of interest are now open for positions in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth and Adelaide.


Learn more >>

Your IT career starts with the Microsoft Traineeship Program | MEGT (Australia) Ltd

New Driller’s Offsider Job Ready Program

There is strong demand for driller’s offsiders in the resources sector. This Job Ready Program is a skills set designed to meet urgent demand for support in the drilling industry. Participants complete an industry induction and are provided with skills to work safely on site, apply first aid and CPR, work safely at heights, and operate and maintain a four-wheel drive vehicle.


NOTE: Young job seekers need to know that drillers look for resources in isolated locations where work conditions are strenuous, and the driller’s expectations of the offsider will be high. 


The next course starts in August. You can find more details HERE. 

The Benefits of an Australian Apprenticeship

Do you or someone you know want to start a career they love and start earning? How about an Australian Apprenticeship? Read this blog post from Australian Apprenticeships Pathways about the benefits of undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship. Click here

Register now for McMahon’s Apprenticeships and Traineeships


McMahon’s is one of the biggest and most highly rated employers of apprentices. Register your interest in a McMahon’s apprenticeship HERE


Woodside isn’t recruiting yet, but you can register your interest HERE. 

Incentives and Wage subsidies for Employing Apprentices and Trainees

The Department of Training and Workforce Development have provided a flyer outlining the various employment incentives available to employers of trainees or apprentices. 

Click here to access the flyer, or here to access the factsheet outlining the Federal Government Incentives.

Bricklaying Apprenticeship Jobs Available NOW

Do you want to earn while you learn? Are you looking for career in the building and construction industry? Now is the time to get started! With strong demand for new apprentices to join the industry we currently have multiple vacancies in Bricklaying Apprenticeship. 



The Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website is your first stop if you are looking for information about apprenticeships and traineeships.

Information includes:

Busy Sisters - women in trades mentoring program

This is a Commonwealth government mentoring program designed to support girls and women in trade careers. The Busy sisters mentoring program runs over 6 months and provides weekly support from Tradeswomen. 

Bricklaying Apprenticeship Program 

With fancy bricklaying, the future of skilled bricklayers is looking good. This video is about a new bricklaying apprenticeship program





New Strategy for Women in Turf Management

Turf Management is one of the most gender segregated trades with women only representing 1.4% of the workforce. The Australian Sports Turf Managers Association has designed a strategy to encourage more women into the industry. 


The strategy includes:

  • Raising awareness of options for year 10 – 12
  • A regional industry engagement plan that connects schools with sport and recreation facilities.
  • Supporting a Cert II Pre apprenticeship program.
  • You can read the strategies HERE 

Expect to see more information about women in turf management in the next few months. 


Alcoa Apprenticeships 2023

Applications for Alcoa’s 2023 apprentice intake will open towards the middle of the year. 

Alcoa has taken off some impressive awards for its inclusive workplace culture. This is an indicator of what sort of organisation Alcoa would be to work in. 


For more information on Alcoa’s apprenticeship opportunities visit


Defence Industry Career Advice

A dedicated defence industry team is available at the Rockingham Jobs and Skills Centre to provide advice about jobs, careers, and training pathways into the defence industry.


All services are free, and available to anyone in WA!


To contact the team; call or email or drop in for a chat.

T: 08 9599 8655 E:

Defence Force Gap Year – Apply Now

Some of the roles for 2022 are already full. If you are interested in doing a Defence Force Gap Year next year apply now. 


There is a broad range of programs that you can engage in during your Gap Year. You can check out your choices HERE. 

Become an IT expert in the Navy

It you are interested in a career in IT consider going into the navy. There aren’t many places where IT systems are more vital and advanced. 


Defence force systems are the best. They have to be. People’s lives are at risk. 


If you are interested in doing a computing degree check out opportunities in the navy HERE.






Go Overseas

Check out for gap year ideas:

Letz Live

Letz Live is back. They organise working holidays in educational programs in several countries around the world. Participants are placed as assistants in boarding schools, education camps and programs for young people. 


Letz Live supports young people taking a Gap, connecting participants to a network of Gap Year friends, with Country Managers overseas. 


More information on Gap years with Letz Live can be found online: or for an information pack email


Planning a Gap Year for 2023

If you think a Gap Year could be a good option for you in 2023 you can find out about them at Youth Central which is a Victorian government site. The information about your options and what to be careful of is just as relevant to students in WA. 

  • If you choose to take a gap year but think you might want to go to university later, you should still apply through the normal TISC process then defer for a year once you get offered a place. 
  • If you would like to consider studying overseas, I receive advertising materials from Crimson Education which helps students to apply for places in universities in the United States. 
  • Again, the Youth Central site has information on studying overseas, scholarships and links to further information. 

See: Leaving Year 12? These Gap Year ideas may interest you. 

Gap Year Ideas – AgCAREERSTART

If you’re 18-25 and looking to start a career in a meaningful and exciting industry, an AgCAREERSTART gap-year will help you gain skills and knowledge to grow the farms of the future.


Over 10-12 months you will live in an exciting regional location, earn a nationally recognised qualification and build life-long industry connections.

  • Get hands on experience
  • Increase your confidence
  • Work outdoors and discover rural and regional Australia

Find out more HERE

Get a summer job on the wheat bins – Applications Open Now

CBH employs about 1000 casual employees each year to help bring in the harvest. This year it looks like another bumper harvest and there is a skills shortage which means CBH will be competing for workers. Find out more and apply HERE. 

Farming Gap Year

Want to spend your gap year travelling around the country, experiencing life in the country, and gaining valuable work experience? 




InFocus blog on Medicine in WA

WA Careers newsletter InFocus Careers has a detailed blog post about getting into medicine in WA. The post is written in response to people not understanding the difference between an UNDERGRADUATE and a POST GRADUATE degree. 

Medicine across Australia

Medicine is a highly competitive course at all universities across Australia. If students are serious about studying Medicine, they ought to consider making multiple applications to institutions across Australia. Here is a Medicine matrix resource that gives a snapshot of the application requirements and processes for tertiary institutions that offer Medicine, across all of Australia. 


Medical Specialty Fact Sheets

NSW Health has compiled an extensive list of extremely useful fact sheets to assist students in making more informed career choices about the many careers in the health industry, and to ensure their career plans not only fulfil their personal aspirations but also align with the needs of the industry.  Students keen on finding out more about what the job is about, whether or not there is a shortage, etc. are encouraged to browse the following link on NSW Health - Medical Career Planning


Medical Projects Abroad for 15 – 18 Year Olds

Make your summer one to remember by travelling, making a difference and meeting people from around the world! Our high school volunteer programs are tailor-made for 15–18-year-olds. 


On our service projects for teens, you can expect to: 

  • Be supported by in-country Projects Abroad staff. They help everyone settle in and make the most of the project, even if it’s your first time abroad.
  • Work alongside other people your age and get to know them through activities and local trips.
  • Have a fixed start and end date to your project. You’ll also get an itinerary, offering more structure that will suit anyone still in school.

Find details HERE. 


FWWC 2023 Volunteer Programme (must be 18+ by June 1st 2023)

To recognise the contributions and efforts of our local football community volunteers, FIFA is offering an exclusive application period for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023™ Volunteer Programme.


The exclusive applications are open from 31 October to 3 November 2022. 

As a FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ Volunteer, you will be the heartbeat of the tournament, uniting and inspiring people from around the world through the power of football. Going beyond possibilities, beyond limitations, and Beyond Greatness™ to deliver a unique experience and welcoming the world to our sport’s defining event.


The FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ will bring together passionate people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. The dedication and commitment of volunteers at the heart of the football community are a crucial part of this group that will come together to make the tournament possible. 


This is an opportunity to gain once-in-a-lifetime experiences, join the FIFA Volunteer Programme family, and be part of football history.


If you want to get up close to the action and behind the scenes of the biggest Women’s sporting event in the world, register now to the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ Volunteer team.


Throughout the tournament there will be a number of exciting volunteer opportunities to choose from across 25 functional areas.


CLICK HERE TO APPLY TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER – use the code Football Australia

January focus on Mining Camp for Year 11 & 12

Focus on Mining is a multi-day residential camp for high school students to discover how they can help shape WA's future mining sector. Participants tour operational sites, research facilities and meet industry leaders.


The program will be offered during January school holidays in 2023. It targets students going into Years 11-12 who have an interest in studying STEM at university and would like to learn about future trends in WA's mining and resources sector. Focus on Mining is free with all travel, meals and accommodation provided thanks to the support of Curtin's industry partners.


Perth-Kalgoorlie-Perth | January 2023 | REGISTER YOR INTEREST

Westpac Young Technologist Scholarships Open

Westpac Young Technologists Scholarships are designed for high school graduates who are passionate about technology and eager to explore its potential for good. We’re looking for curious young minds, open to new ideas and untapped opportunities. 


You can register your interest in receiving information about the Westpac Young Technologist Scholarship for 2023, HERE


17 – 19 January  Curtin DISCOVER - Summer holiday program for Years 9-10

DISCOVER is a school holiday program for students entering Year 9 or 10 in 2023. Over three days, students will explore Curtin University, learn about STEM career pathways and find out about a range of STEM areas important to WA. There's a wide range of hands-on activities throughout the program - data and automation; agriculture, food & water; mining & energy transitions; chemistry & health; environment & marine; space & astronomy. The program is fun, engaging & hands-on, plus a chance for students to meet like-minded people.




Start Work Quick Guide to Starting a New Job



Australia Post Seasonal Casual Jobs 

There are 3 categories of casual jobs being advertised at Australia Post:

  • Warehouses
  • On the road
  • With customers

Check Seasonal Jobs on Australia Post HERE.

Myer Christmas Jobs 

Myer is also advertising part time and casual Christmas jobs. 

You can check out opportunities in your area HERE



Want something more adventurous? CBH Harvest Casuals for Summer

Earn $29/hour and get free accommodation. There are jobs for people with various levels of experience. Check out the opportunities HERE


Study Work Grow

Study Work Grow is an Australian organisation based in QLD, which helps students to dream big with exciting career education tools and resources. From study tips, resume advice, gap year ideas, career quizzes, university scholarship information and much more, check out this excellent resource- many of their resources are free to access. Home - Study Work Grow

Study in the USA

Applying to university in the US is quite a long and complex process. If you’re considering studying in the US, then you’re going to have to be prepared to do a bit more research and spend even more time on your applications. 


Read more about it from Study Work Grow here


Rotary Youth Exchange will return for 2024

Rotary Youth Exchange has been cancelled in the past couple of years due to COVID. 

This brilliant program for senior school students is to return for 2024. Students can go overseas and live with a family overseas for a whole academic year. 


Students apply through a local Rotary group. 

You can start to explore what is possible HERE. 


Rotary Youth Exchange is an international program. You can watch a short USA video HERE.

Defence Careers with STEM

Careers with STEM magazine has a special Defence issue which a focus on the opportunities to work in tech careers. 


The Defence industry must have world best technology and skills. People’s lives depend on it. Check out this issue HERE.


If you are interested in a career in Defence, make an appointment at the Defence Recruiting Centre. 

Air Force Work Experience

Looking for work experience with the Royal Australian Air Force?


We offer a number of exciting work experience placements via the Defence Work Experience Program, designed to:

  • develop the skills of our young people;
  • create an easier transition into the workplace; and
  • demonstrate the wide variety of interesting careers available within Defence.

For more information about placement opportunities, visit Defence Work Experience Program.


You may also consider joining the Air Force Cadets or Air Force Reserves.


Study Resources from Curtin University

Don’t wait until you get to uni to check out these resources. They are great for school students too. The Study tab has tips on study habits and for tests and exams. 

ATAR Revision programs

Check out a comprehensive list of ATAR revision programs available in Perth and online by going HERE. 

Murdoch Horizons Summer School 

Kick-start your uni degree

Get a head start in your studies and join one of our Horizons Summer Schools. Run in January, the programs can strengthen your academic skills and knowledge for success at university. Interact with academics and subject matter experts and see what university life is like first-hand through lectures, workshops, labs, and group activities.


If you’re starting Year 12 in 2023

Horizons Summer School is designed for students transitioning from Year 11 to Year 12. If you are starting Year 12 in 2023, this is a great opportunity to get the most out of your final year of high school.


Find information HERE.

ECU Short Courses for Credit Arts and Humanities

These free, week long courses are designed to introduce high school students to university life give them a head start at university. 


Students who pass the requirements of these courses will receive Advanced Standing for a first/second year unit once they have gained successful admission to an applicable ECU undergraduate course. 


Find details HERE. 


To express your interest for our next season of short courses, please: Contact

School of Arts and Humanities Email:

Projects Abroad 15 – 18 year olds


Projects Abroad offers overseas volunteer and service opportunities for high school students. Whether it’s a group mission trip tailored to the school’s requirements or holiday programmes for individuals or small groups of friends, Projects Abroad arranges practical, educational immersion and service projects over 30 developing countries around the world. 


For more information go HERE


Young Endeavour Youth Scheme

 Join a crew of young Australians and embark on a life-changing 11-day journey – learning not only how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, but how to lead, support others and work together as a team.  Since 1988, more than 14,000 young Australians aged 16-23 have joined the national sail training ship Young Endeavour on a life-changing voyage.  The program is delivered by professional Royal Australian Navy staff crew who ensure the highest standards of safety are maintained. 


Every day on board Young Endeavour is different.  During each voyage youth crew spend several days and nights at sea learning to set and furl the sails, keep watch, and take the helm, as well as participating in games and team building activities on deck.  Participants assist the chef in the ship’s galley, carry out ship’s rounds with the engineer, chart a course with the navigator, climb the masts, and even take command!


Applications for January – June 2023 are now open.  Find out more at Young Endeavour

Police Recruitment

WA Police are looking for a diverse range of people who are ready to take on the exciting challenge and join forces with the WA Police Force.


Explore the many pathways that can lead you to becoming a part of the WA Police Force.


To be eligible you must be 18 and hold a driver’s license. 

Find details HERE.

Years 7 to 12 WAAPA Acting and Performance Making 

WAAPA’s Acting and Performance Making students have the opportunity to increase their confidence as they apply their skills to stage and screen performances. 




Course details

Term 4

13, 20, 27 November 2022

4 December, 2022


Dates: Sundays for 8 weeks per term Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm  Cost: $525 per term

2022 WACE Manual Out

This is the official manual that delivers key information about the WA Certificate of Education. 


You can download a copy of the WACE manual for 2022 HERE. 




2022 SCSA Year 12 Handbook Part I

Part 1 of the SCSA Information for all Students is out now. 

This is the one with:

  • important dates, 
  • how to use the student portal (you must complete the Student Declaration and Permission by 8 September)
  • information about the WACEChecker 
  • special exam arrangements
  • how to meet literacy and numeracy requirements
  • school assessments

You need to be familiar with the Year 12 Information Handbook if you are in Year 12.


Part II, Examinations will be out later in the year. 



Year 10 Information Handbook

This Handbook contains information for students currently enrolled in Year 10. It provides a reference point for studies in Year 11 and Year 12. 


Download the Handbook HERE. 


New University Admissions Information for 2025


This is the latest information, correct at time of going to print in June 2022.

This information is issued on behalf of the five Western Australian universities. Its aim is to help Year 10 students to decide on their senior school courses, so that they meet university admission requirements. 


This booklet applies to students who will be completing Western Australian Year 12 studies in 2024. It is relevant only for admission in 2025 and is subject to change without notice.

Get your copy HERE


Curtin Year 10 Explore your options Guide

The Curtin Year 10 Guide may assist Year 10 students and their parents to get some clarity about the career direction they want to take. 


It is a useful resource for Year 10s no matter what university they want to go to. 



Careers Tools subject selection guide

Career Tools have also created a subject selection guide for Year 10 students and families.  

Year 10 subject selection (from Study Work Grow)

Study Work Grow has collated resources from all around Australia to support Year 10 students, and their parents and supporters, to understand their choices and make well-informed decisions. Check out their page here

Study Work Grow Webinar- Thinking about Subject Selection? 

Catch up on Study Work Grow’s latest webinar and find out about perspective on selecting senior subjects.

School Based Traineeships in the Public Sector for 2023

The public sector School-based Traineeship provides students entering Year 11 an exciting opportunity to gain on the job experience through paid employment.


Over the 18 month traineeship students work towards a Certificate II in Government (Public Administration) which counts towards their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).


Around July each year the Public Sector Commission calls for applications from Year 10 public and private school students and supports agencies with recruitment. Find out more below.



The Australian Parents’ Council has launched MyKidsCareer to help families to guide their kids to fulfilling careers. It helps kids to align what is important to them with what they do. 

It is useful for teachers and for families. Check it out HERE

Festival of Perth Creative Learning Program 

For details about the 2023 Festival of Perth Creative Learning Program, subscribe to the program HERE. 






Santos Science Experience for Year 9 and 10

This program is designed to provide students who have an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work.

  • Murdoch University 13 – 15 December
  • ECU Joondalup 10 – 13 January

Find details HERE.

10 December FIRST LEGO League National District Championships for 9 – 16 year olds

STEM competition for 9-16 year old students using innovative problem solving and LEGO robotics. 48 teams participating from around WA.


Visitors welcome. There will be music, food and a great atmosphere. 


Register HERE. 

Middle School Challenges

Perth-based career development practitioner Bev Johnston has written blog posts targeted towards WA students (and parents of students) in their middle years of school:

National Pitchfest Competition

Pitchfest and Village Cinemas have joined forces to create the ultimate school excursion and pitching competition, teaching students how to solve problems and bring ideas to life - in the cinemas. Students can enjoy the cinematic experience and learn fundamental skills at the same time! Details here.

School Years 9 and above:  WAAPA Propeller Youth Dance Course

Challenge your contemporary dance technique, build skills in creative practice and choreography, collaborate with other young people passionate about dance and feel a part of a youth dance experience.


The course is designed for young people who are either intending to pursue dance as a career or who simply love dance and would like to continue to improve their dance skills. Each Term will culminate in a short sharing for family and friends.


Course details

Dates: Sundays for 8 weeks per term Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm

Term 4

13, 20, 27 November 2022

4 December 2022


Cost: $525 per term Register for Term 3 HERE.


River Rangers for Year 5 and 6 students

River Rangers is a primary school cadet program for students in Years 5 and 6.


It seeks to engage and educate the next generation of children to help us protect our local rivers. River Rangers allows students to actively investigate local issues and design, evaluate and share the results of their projects with other schools and the wider community.


Conservation projects undertaken by River Rangers include tree planting, litter pick-ups, bird and bat box building, biodiversity surveys, water quality testing and building native gardens.


Find details HERE


Support for School Leavers with Disability

This booklet delivers:

  • Tips to help you with study or work
  • Advice on if you should disclose your disability. 
  • Support services

You can get a copy HERE



NM TAFE: Disability Programs for people with an intellectural or learning disability. 

NMTAFE offers full-time and part-time courses designed for people with an intellectual or learning disability. 


Extra support for student success such as workplace literacy and numeracy, job seeking skills and study support are supplied. For more information go HERE. 

Disability Standards Toolkit

The Australian Government Department of Education has designed a new range of resources to help young people with disability and their parents and caregivers to understand their rights under the Disability Standards for Education 2005.


The 4 new resources provide easy-to-use information about the Standards and offer practical advice 


Disability Standards Toolkit

Subscribe to Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training Newsletter

The new ADCET newsletter is full of information about courses, research and opportunities for people who have a disability. There is so much information that I won’t cut and paste it into this newsletter. The ADCET newsletter is free, and you can subscribe HERE. 


ADCET has significantly improved the delivery of information about opportunities for people who have a disability. 


You can subscribe to the free ADCET newsletter HERE.

School of Special Educational Needs – For kids off school for a long time due to illness

The School of Special Educational Needs provides educational support to families with long term physical or mental health issues. 


They are also working with adults at Fiona Stanley Hospital. 

myWAY Employability

myWAY Employability helps autistic young people to take control of their future and prepare for working life. Check out this research-backed, Australian-made tool here.

myWAY Employability helps you to…

  • Identify your strengths, interests, and work preferences
  • Discover your match with relevant education, training, and career information
  • Set goals and track progress to achieve your dreams
  • Invite others to support your journey

Dyslexia Thinking is a skill

Don Pankraz was keynote speaker at the ECU Educators and Influencers seminar. He showed a video that included well known dyslexic, Richard Branson, who was talking about the benefits of Dyslexic Thinking.

ECU computing faculty seeking neurodiverse students

The ECU computing faculty has capacity for 400 neurodiverse students. If you are interested, you can find contacts HERE. 


Construction Training Fund Service

The Construction Training Centre has organised a Try a Trade specifically for people with disabilities, but they couldn’t get the numbers to run it again.


If you are interested in attending one of these Try a Trades, you can register your interest here. CTF Try-A-Trade for Individuals Expression of Interest ( .  

New platform to link people with disability to employment 

The recently launched Disability Jobs Connect, is an innovative online platform linking people with disability to employment pathways. 

Job seekers create their own profiles to showcase their skills, values, and interests in the way that best suits and describes them. Disability Employment Services (DES) providers can also upload the profiles of people with disability and support them through the job search process.

Click here for more information.

CCI Seminar – It’s about attitude

There are more than 400,000 people with a disability in WA and only 48,000 of those are eligible for NDIS help. 


CCI ran a Disability Inclusion Seminar in August and Mike Rowe, the Director General of the Department of Communities talked about wanting to increase the number of people in the public service. 


He said:

“Every person with disability is different and a lot of employers have stage fright knowing this. They need to know it’s ok to get things wrong sometimes as long as there’s an openness to learning.”

You can find an Employers Guide to employing someone with disability


West Australia’s support for potential employers of people with a disability can be found HERE.

2023 Curtin Students 

If you have a disability and plan to go to Curtin in 2023, register with Curtin’s AccessABILITY Unit so that staff are aware that you will be attending and of any specific services they need to provide to ensure your best opportunity to succeed. 

Genius Armoury opportunity for Neurodiverse People

Genius Armoury offers a range of courses to help introduce neurodiverse individuals to cybersecurity, exploring some of the fundamentals of coding, threats, and exploits, networking, and more. Available to anyone and free to complete, modules only take around 30 minutes to complete.


Successful completion of the program may provide eligibility to those located in Western Australia for enrol in a Bachelor of Science course in Cybersecurity at Curtin without an eligible ATAR, through the Portfolio entry system.


Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance

The Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA) aims to enable individuals on the autism spectrum to leverage their unique talents through training, educating and mentoring programs, so as to create pathways to employment; whilst addressing the business needs of the Australian ICT industry facing challenges in attracting and retaining software testers within the sector.


Find out more HERE.

VisAbility Employment Services

CoAct VisAbility Employment Services are specialists in providing employment support to people who have vision impairment and sensory disability. 


You can explore their services HERE.


Spotlight: Top tips for LinkedIn

An important tip for school leavers for getting a job is to create yourself a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is like a professional Facebook account where you can blog, comment on professional discussions, and build a professional portfolio that aligns with your resume. This needs to be developed over a period of years before graduating from university, so start soon, and continue to work on it during university. 


Top Tips shared by a former head of Linkedin, Cliff Rosenberg



Including a profile picture in your profile is a must. Putting a face to your name makes it 21 times more likely to be viewed, but first impressions last, so make sure your profile picture is professional.



Clearly outline your professional story; what your aspirations are and what qualifications you have to offer that others do not. This is your opportunity to demonstrate how your unique qualities make you perfect for your dream role. This is your elevator pitch.



Are you motivated, creative, passionate? Great. So is everyone else on LinkedIn. Do yourself a favour — delete every single one of these buzzwords from your profile and replace them with keywords.



Illustrate your unique professional story and achievements by adding pictures, compelling videos and innovative presentations to your experience section. If you are just graduating, include your school history.



Maintaining a relevant list of at least five skills on your profile will help others understand your strengths and match you with the right opportunities. Also add other certifications that highlight important skills.



Share content that excites you, such as a gripping video, a well-written news story or a particularly impressive presentation through status updates.


Spotlight: where can a Bachelor of Biomedicine take me?

Studying Biomedicine and Science

  • Where can a Bachelor of Biomedicine Take Me?

Biomedicine is an excellent foundation course for students keen to become experts in various fields of biomedicine.  The Bachelor of Biomedicine prepares students for a range of health-related postgraduate programs, specialised graduate research, and a career contributing to the advancement of human health. Students often use Biomedicine as an undergraduate qualification into graduate study leading to professional careers in medicine, research, health sciences, and even engineering. 


For more information, including YouTube clips, and links to graduate pathways a Bachelor of Biomedicine can take one, browse UniMelb: Where can a Bachelor of Biomedicine Take Me?


  • Where can a Bachelor of Science Take Me?

A Bachelor of Science is the first step towards a dream career in science, engineering, health, or technology.  Once a student has completed their Bachelor of Science degree, they can go on to gain employment, or begin a graduate degree and work towards a professional qualification.  A Bachelor of Science degree can take a student in the direction they are passionate about, from food science to psychology.


Browse Careers by Field and Tips on Choosing a Science Major to discover more.  For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, browse Science Undergraduate Studies


For other information, including further study into graduate degrees, students are encouraged to browse Where can a Bachelor of Science Take Me?


Jane Hedley

Head of Pathways and Transition

Direct: (08) 9383 0416
