Music News- Week 35

Year 7 Recital Night

The Year 7 Recital Night will be held in the GBLT this Wednesday 16 November at 7pm. Performers in the concert can access piano accompaniment from Mr Dockery, with rehearsals booked through the Music Department.


We look forward to a wonderful evening of Year 7 performances!

Christmas Concert 2022

Music students of John XXIII College are excitedly preparing for a new concert initiative for 2023: ‘The Christmas Concert’. Featuring instrumental and vocal ensembles from Years 2 to 12, this inaugural concert will feature both showcase items and community carols for singing along as families anticipate the festive season that accompanies the final weeks of the school year. Please note the following details of the Christmas Concert.


Date: Friday 25 November

Ensembles: Primary Singers, Wanju Voices, Treble Choir, Senior Voices, Barbershop, Christmas Band, Mini Minors, String Orchestra, Year 5 Band, Chamber Orchestra.

Venue: Library Courtyard

Arrival Time: 4pm

Concert Starts: 5pm

Instrument Storage: B/C Block Undercroft (Rear of stage)

Primary Performance Attire: College uniform, socks and black shoes. Appropriate Christmas accessories may be worn.

Secondary Performance Attire: Music Performance Uniform, College shoes and black socks. Appropriate Christmas accessories may be worn.

Concert Finish: Approximately 6:30pm


Families are encouraged to bring picnic chairs and mats, as well as, food and drinks (please note: FOMAD catering will not be provided for this concert). Students are welcome to sit with families in the leadup to the concert start and throughout the evening when not performing, however, all students must promptly marshal when instructed to do so by the MCs. Overflow seating is available in the Primary Amphitheatre.  Parents will be responsible for supervising their child when they are not performing. 


The Christmas Concert is not ticketed, however we ask that families indicate their attendance on TryBooking, so that estimates for audience capacity can be made.


As excitement builds for the final weeks of the College year, we are delighted to invite families to this community celebration of the season. Please contact the Music Department or ensemble directors with any queries.


Online Lessons

For students learning at home and requiring an online music lesson, please ensure advice is provided to tutors or to the Music Office on 9383 0440.


Please be reminded that all absences from Music lessons due to illness must receive proper notice, by 3pm the day prior to the lesson, to either the Music Office or directly to tutors.


Thank you, to all students, parents and staff who have been participating in online lessons. All online lessons are conducted through Teams, so families with younger students may need to arrange login details ahead of their lesson. For assistance with any aspect of online music lessons, please contact the Music Office on 9383 0440.


If an instrument stored in the Instrument Storeroom, in the Performing Arts Centre, is required to participate in online lessons, please contact the Music Office.


James Kros

Head of Learning Area - Music