Around The Primary

Dear Parents

Today’s Remembrance Day Service was a very special way for our school community to remember, honour, pray for and reflect upon the incredible sacrifices made by so many. It is so important that students have opportunities to identify with significant events in our history and that they listen to and learn from people who have a story to tell. 


Last Friday evening everyone had a super time at the disco. The students joined in with enthusiasm, were very polite to staff, the DJ and to one another and they did a really good job at joining in the games. They danced the night away with many great moves on show and had a lot of fun in the process!  Many thanks to our fabulous staff who came along to support and supervise on a Friday night.

Good luck to our Year 5 GATE students and Mrs Purcell who are heading off to Curtin University on Saturday for the Game Changes Competition.


Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary


Dates to Remember

Monday 14 NovemberParents’ Association Meeting 7pm - Thomas More Exhibition Centre
Thursday 17 NovemberYear 6 GATE Presentations - Library 
Kindy 2023 Parent Information Evening 6:30pm - Kindy classrooms
Pre-Primary 2023 Parent Information Evening 6:30pm - PP classrooms
Friday 18 NovemberYear 1 Excursion - Scitech 

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar and subscribe to the Primary Calendar.

Sports Update

Yesterday John XXIII College hosted the Touch Rugby Interschool Carnival with 20 Year 6 touch rugby teams take part.  It was outstanding to see so many of our students involved in the event.  The skills, strategies, and teamwork on display by our teams was exceptional and is a product of the hard work all the players have put in.  After the Carnival we played more touch rugby!  It has been fantastic to see so much enjoyment coming from sport.  Well done Year 6’s!


A reminder for Pre-Primary to Year 3 parents to complete the swimming enrolment forms and return to class teachers before Tuesday 15 November. 



If you have any queries about anything sport related, please contact me via email 


Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator

Primary Music

Rehearsals are in full swing for the many musical performances coming up this term. Parental assistance in ensure student punctuality to rehearsals is greatly appreciated.


Please ensure the following performance dates are in your family calendars for Term 4:  

4pm arrival, 5pm start Friday 25 November


Further information will be emailed to parents of students involved

Christmas Concert (Library Courtyard)Performances by Wanju Voices, Primary Singers, Year 5 Band, Mini Minors and String Orchestra


29 November

Primary Instrumental RecitalsPerformances by students who take instrumental lessons (Year 1-6)


1 December

College Presentation NightWanju Voices only (NOT Primary Singers) in combined choir with Secondary

Primary Instrumental Recitals

The Primary Instrumental Recitals (held on Tuesday 29 November) are an exciting opportunity for students to show off their hard work from throughout the year.


This performance opportunity is open to students who learn an instrument at school or privately. Students are invited to play one piece in the appropriate recital category (ie either a solo or group piece). Students may perform in multiple categories (for example, piano and strings) if they learn more than one instrument. These recitals will be divided into groups based on student year groups and the number of entries. Family members are invited to watch the performances. Timetables will be emailed in Week 7.


Entry forms must be returned to the Music office by Friday 18 November (Week 6). Students who learn an instrument at school will be given further information by their tutors, who will also complete entry forms for their students. For students who learn an instrument outside of school, please contact Mrs Bouhlas in the Music Office for an entry form or further information  


Students who require an accompanist will be provided a school accompanist. A copy of the accompaniment music with the performer’s full name, class and instrument written clearly must be handed in to the music office by Monday 19 November so that rehearsals can be scheduled with the accompanist in the week leading up to the recital. 


We look forward to celebrating the dedication and talents of the primary students at these special performances.


If you have any queries regarding Primary Music, please contact me via email:


Catherine Haydon

Primary Music Teacher

Sustainability News

National Recycling Week Initiative

As part of National Recycling Week, which commenced on Monday 7 November, the College is collecting pre-owned sporting equipment that are not being used any more or have been grown out of. All donations will be given to FAIRGAME - an organisation that distributes sporting equipment to disadvantaged schools and communities in Australia. 


Please make sure any items you donate are in good, clean, useable condition

They are able to replace laces, insoles and grips on racquets/bats but if the item is otherwise broken or worn out, they will not be able to give it to someone else to use.

Please be mindful that equipment design and materials continue to evolve and improve over the years, so if it is a vintage piece, it is unlikely to be suitable for current use.

They are always in need of:

  • AFL footballs, soccer balls, basketball, cricket bats
  • Footy boots
  • Soccer shin pads
  • Runners/sneakers
  • Tee ball bats, mitts and balls
  • Track shoes
  • Cones
  • Boxing gloves/focus pads
  • Dodgeballs
  • Hula hoops
  • Large sports bags in good condition (eg. cricket bags)

There will be two collection bins placed outside Student Reception in Secondary.