Parents' Association

Our Term 4 Parents’ Association meeting will be held at 7pm next Monday 14 November in the Thomas More Exhibition Centre. This is also our 2022 Annual General Meeting so all John XXIII College Parents’ Association 2023 office bearers will be elected at the meeting.


Thank you to everyone who submitted funding proposals this term. Those listed below have been approved for funding consideration at the meeting:

  • Sustainable Schools Shop Annual Registration $1,250.00
  • Table Tennis Wellness Proposal $4,446.00

A copy of the agenda is available below:


If you would like to be more involved with the Parents’ Association in 2023 consider nominating for a General Position on the Committee. These positions are a great way to find out what is happening at the College, meet parents from other year groups and be involved in decision-making on proposed funding initiatives. They require attendance at two short meetings per Term on Monday nights. It is an easy way to make an important contribution to the development of the College's community spirit and help provide essential pastoral and financial support. Email if you wish to nominate or would like more information about the position.


We look forward to seeing you at our final 2022 meeting next week if you can make it.


From Your 2022 Parents’ Association Committee

President: Paula Hackett

Vice President Female: Emma Smith 

Vice President Male: Eric Maroni

Secretary: Olivia Watson

Treasurer: Matt Edmondson

General Committee Members: Caroline Di Costa, Paul Douglas, Lisha D’Souza, Steve Jennings, Michael Thornton, Kerry Tudori, Jackie Walsh.