From the Principal

Expressing gratitude

When my children were young, I was a regular volunteer at Little Athletics. I had no specific skills to offer but I enjoyed the engagement with other parents and the fun my children had competing with and against other young people. It is a fond memory of their formative years.


This week we conducted a function for volunteers as a small token of appreciation for the many parents who give selflessly to the College. The invitation was also extended to those assisting the Foundation, which exists for the College’s long-term benefit. 


Being a good Mum or Dad is such an important and gratifying role. We sometimes hear the importance of ‘quality time rather than quantity of time’ when it comes to parenting. I would argue there is nothing more important than the hours we spend with our children even if it means attending to relatively mundane tasks. We are so grateful for parents for those ‘extra hours’ and the sense of community it brings to our College.


This evening, I will join many of our secondary teachers at another function to express appreciation to staff involved in coaching sporting teams throughout 2022. The goodwill provided by our teachers, and other staff, is outstanding. The large number of staff in attendance at last week’s Primary Discos is another indicator of their high level of commitment.


I was asked questions this week about the ‘future of schooling’ and whether we will move more into the ‘remote learning space’. We have learned much from COVID times as schools and businesses have responded to the many challenges. However, that special time that parents and teachers get to spend ‘face to face’ with children is irreplaceable and it is important that we do not become ‘too remote’.



Robert Henderson
