Junior Journalists Newsletter

This week's news from the Junior Journalists

Acknowledgement of Country

We would like to Acknowledge the Wiradjuri People, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we have worked to create this publication. We Acknowledge that Australia always was and always will be Aboriginal Land and pay respect to the local Aboriginal Land on which our audience are accessing this news. 


The end of this week marks the commencement of National Reconciliation Week. May we work together to speak the truth about our shared history as we strive to build a brighter future together. 

National Reconciliation Week 2022: Be Brave. Make Change. 

The week of 27 May – 3 June was National Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements. It is a time for us to celebrate local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples, histories, cultures and futures as we listen and learn to build partnerships that help contribute to achieving Reconciliation in Australia. 


We congratulate Corey for the great work he always does, but in particular this week as we came together to learn more about the purpose of National Reconciliation Week and also local Wiradjuri Culture. In the Junior School, we were fortunate to listen to and learn from Indigenous students at Kinross Wolaroi and we thank them for their generosity in time and sharing of their knowledge. 


The theme for this special event across Australia was ‘Be Brave. Make Change’. Reflecting on this theme, we aim to speak up when there is a need. Let’s work together to continue to celebrate, value and strengthen relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. #NRW22

We are the Champions!

Around the Grounds Sports Update


In the Junior School, all students in Years 2 – 6 have been very busy training and competing in school sport. From hockey to netball, rugby skills and drills to all things soccer, we hear there has been great success from all teams. 


This week marks our final stretch of competition before our holiday break. We wish all our friends every success and hope you have a restful holiday filled with lots of hill sprints to keep fitness…

One Small Step for Man, One Giant Win for Zaro Jalal

Congratulations are in order for Year 5 student Zaro Jalal on his first-place success in the Kinross Wolaroi Junior Writing Competition. The stimulus for the writing task that invited the wider Orange community to compete was ‘When I grow up…’.  

Zaro Jalal building in action. Photography by Kayley Lett
Zaro Jalal building in action. Photography by Kayley Lett


We sat down with Zaro to find out more about his story, personal interests and connection to KWS. Please read on for our exclusive interview with Zaro. 


Q: Tell us, what is your story about? 

A: My story was about me wanting to be a NASA engineer which is working at a space company. 


Q: What is your favourite part of your story?

A: My favourite part is when I said that Elon Musk would love me because I am a very good space person. 


Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Lime green 


Q: Do you have any relatives at KWS?

 A: Yes, I have a brother Lazo in Year 11 and Mezen in Year 2. 


Q: What made you want to enter the competition? 

A: I heard about the prize and I love Lego so I just needed that prize. 


Q: What was the Lego prize? 

A: It was a $550 Lego Robotics STEM set. 


Q: Have you built the prize yet? 

A: Yes, I have built half of the robot. 


Q: How did you enter the competition? 

A: So I wrote my story on my laptop and then my mum emailed it to the school for submission. 


Q: What year are you in at KWS? 

A: Year 5


Q: What are your 2022 goals? 

A: To make a half-court basketball shot


Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Pancakes, easy


Q: What is your favourite subject? 

A: Science 

Through the Looking Glass: Teacher Interviews

Mr Tyack  - Year 5 Irwin Classroom Teacher


Q: What year do you teach at Kinross? 

A: Year 5

Q: How long have you been teaching at Kinross? 

A: 1.5 years

Q: What Sports House are you in? 

A: Douglas

Q: Summer or Winter? 

A: Summer

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Gelato 

Q: What is your favourite sport? A: Rugby League

Q: What is your favourite place in Orange? 

A: My home 

Q: What did you want to be when you were growing up? 

A: Something that makes me money 

Q: What are your hobbies? 

A: Cooking smoked meat


Ms Morris

Year 4 Attenborough Classroom Teacher

Ms Morris with the Media Team. Photography by Elizabeth Milliken
Ms Morris with the Media Team. Photography by Elizabeth Milliken

Q: What year do you teach at Kinross? 

A: Year 4 Attenborough. We are called 4 Attenborough named after David Attenborough. 

Q: What is your favourite book?

A: Harry Potter Series

Q: Running or Swimming? 

A: Swimming

Q: Summer or Winter? 

A: Summer

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Sushi

Q: What are your hobbies? 

A: Cooking, reading, gardening

Q: Do you have any pets? 

A: Cat called Andy

Q: What did you want to be when you were growing up? 

A: I’ve always wanted to be a teacher

Q: Why do you like to teach? 

A: I like to help people learn new things and learn things about themselves

JJ’s Brain Teasers

What am I?

  • I am now in hibernation…
  • I have no legs…
  • I shed my skin…
  • Watch out I can be deadly

I am a…

Guess Who: Which Junior Journalist am I?

The weather is cold, 

Our writing is bold,

Who is this, 

Her writing is bliss… 

Answers found at the bottom of the page...

Home Among the Gumtrees: Star Sign Readings with KWS Roo

’22 June/July Holiday Roo Readings 
Disney Edition

Cancer | June 21st – July 22nd 

The cold doesn’t bother me anyway - Frozen


Leo | July 23rd – August 22nd 

Even miracles can take a little time – Cinderella


Virgo | August 23rd – September 22nd 

If you do your best each and every day, good things are sure to come your way – The Princess and the Frog


Libra | September 23rd – October 22nd 

Always let your conscience be your guide - Pinocchio


Scorpio | October 23rd – November 21st 

It is called wayfinding, princess. It is not just sails and knots, it is seeing where you are going in your mind. Knowing where you are by knowing where you have been - Moana


Sagittarius | November 22nd – December 21st

Some people are worth melting for – Olaf, Frozen.  


Capricorn | December 22nd – January 19th 

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them – Micky Mouse


Aquarius | January 20th – February 18th

In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun – Mary Poppins


Pisces | February 19th – March 20th 

Happiness is the richest thing we will ever own – Donald Duck


Aries | March 21st – April 19th

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all – Mulan 


Taurus | April 20th – May 20th

Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind – Lilo and Stitch


Gemini | May 21st – June 20th 

Let it go - Frozen


What am I? = A king brown snake
Guess Who? =  It is Sophie Kerdic in 2 Alcott