Principal's Message

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

Dale Carnegie

Welcome to Week 3 of Term Three.


Our marvellous Brigidine College community has been alive yet again with a variety of activity not only in the classrooms but on the stage and the sporting field. 


We began our term with a wonderful recognition of NAIDOC Week. Ex-student and talented artist, Charlie Jackson, returned to our College to lead each year group in an education session of the significance behind the traditional dot painting techniques of our First Nations peoples. Each student was able to participate in a dot painting exercise using rocks, allowing all students to experience the beauty and simplicity of this traditional indigenous art form. Unfortunately, and despite our best intentions, our Smoking Ceremony had to be cancelled because of the rain. 


Our College Musical, Matilda, certainly showcased the incredible talents of our students. The production of a College musical is always an extraordinary feat. Not only does it involve an incredible effort by all girl’s concerned, but the managing of a massive workload by the many staff involved. 


The quality of the production was tremendous. The College has not taken this opportunity for some time and the chance to see some 100 students commit to a production of this nature is incredibly special and uplifting. I’m sure that all who attended one (or more) of the sessions will agree with not only the quality of the performance, but the inspiring journey of each participant within the production. Each girl deserves to feel justifiably proud of their efforts.


I would like to thank you all for bringing the medium of the musical production back to Brigidine College. A special thanks is extended to our talented and passionate staff: Jacqui Hanniffy, Brenton Fletcher, Jennifer Lau, Robyn Ross and Tayla Whiteman. Their amazing dedication, expertise, and not to mention talent, has enabled this Broadway-like production to be possible at Brigidine College.


Our Semester One Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 27 July was a fitting occasion to celebrate the academic success of our Year 7 - 10 students. Moments such as these are incredibly important for they symbolise the committed efforts of many in their determination to succeed with their studies. My congratulations extend to all students who were recognised and you as parents for your efforts in continually encouraging the girls to challenge themselves in their quest to succeed. I was delighted that parents of the award recipients were able to join the Brigidine community in this very special celebration.


On Thursday 28 July, our Intermediate Netball Team played for the championship title against St Ursula’s College, at the Ken Rosewall Stadium. Cheering from the grandstands, our Year 10 cohort enthusiastically supported the girl’s performance and truly demonstrated the Brigidine spirit. The Intermediate Netball team competed with an incredible spirit and resilience; however, our girls went down 34:31. It was a tremendous final and the girls showed tenacity, sportsmanship and spirit. 


We wish our Year 12 students all the best for their HSC Trial examinations. Beginning Monday 1 August, we know that each girl's drive for success will be realised as they have worked hard and determined themselves for greater possibilities.  As a community, our thoughts and prayers are with them all.


We are excited to reengage with our Brigidine community through our College Father's Day Mass and Breakfast on Friday 2 September, commencing at 8.00 am. Please hold this date in your diaries should you be able to attend the planned activities. Separate notification of timing and access arrangements will be forthcoming.  


God bless, 


Mrs Sharyn Quirk
