Callistemon House

My name is Lujyin and I'm the Year 10 SRC for Callistemon.
We've had a great start to the term so far!
Earlier in the term, we began our art competition and have had many people turn in their amazing artwork. The competition ends next week, so get drawing!
Two members of our SRC are selling delicious chocolates around Callistemon for 50 cents each, so we can donate to the humanitarian organisation, Save The Children.
We have also been continuing our Thursday lunch games and movies in C1/2, any Houses are welcome to join us for some new and exciting games.
We've selected our winner for last term's joke competition and are looking forward to a teachers vs students dodgeball tournament in Week 9. More details are available on the posters around Callistemon.
Have a safe and restful term.
Lujyin A
Year 10 SRC
Callistemon House