From the Principal

It has been a busy but productive Term 3. We began with a focus on restating expectations around respect, pride and kindness, through Year Level assemblies and I would like to thank everyone for their support in improving the climate across the school.
For the first time in 3 years our Year 12 students were able to celebrate together at the Year 12 dinner at the Lincoln of Toorak. It was a wonderful evening, students behaved incredibly well and looked fantastic. Our Year 12 students are now preparing for their final weeks of Secondary school. They have all participated in the GAT, are now getting ready for their practice exams and are furiously completing their final assessments.
Progress on the building of the Design Centre continues steadily. In the last few weeks, the interior is really starting to take shape, with the completion date and hand over scheduled for the middle of next term. The school will then move in slowly, providing teachers with the opportunity to learn and explore the new spaces ready for the new school year. The official opening will take place at the start of 2023. While Stage 5 has been delayed by numerous challenges due to the pandemic, this latest addition to our school, will be truly remarkable once it is complete. It will provide our students with some of the best technology and design facilities in the South East.
There is no doubt that the highlight of the Term for me was both the school’s production of Baskerville and Cultural Celebration week. It was wonderful to watch our students perform once again on stage, in what was a dynamic, polished and well-crafted theatrical experience. Audience reviews were extremely positive, including those from the 3 local primary schools who attended matinees performances. It was also a joy to celebrate our school’s diversity, one of our greatest strengths, through food, performance, costume and music. The week-long programme was designed by our Year 12 student leaders and the SRC and was a great opportunity for us to acknowledge what makes us such a special and unique community.
Finally, I wish you all well for Term 4. As many of you will be aware, I am about to begin long service leave and will not return until next year. I will be flying out of Melbourne on the 20th September to begin a trip David and I planned 3 years ago. Although I will be visiting many other places, I will take a little piece of the “Dandenong High School spirit” with me on my travels. Congratulations to Katie Watmough who will lead the school forward for the remainder of 2022. I know she and the leadership team will do an incredible job in my absence.
I look forward to seeing you all again in January.
Best Wishes
Susan Ogden