LRC News

Teen Library Advisors (TLA) Badges
On Tuesday 2nd August, we finally celebrated and awarded our Teen Library Advisors their shiny new badges in the Library.
From the beginning of the year, the TLAs and Library Staff have been meeting each Tuesday at lunchtime to make our Library great, but this was a particularly joyful event. The happy day was finally here. What a delight it was to award the TLA badges to such helpful students who continue to show such an extraordinary commitment to the Library and its programs.
To earn their badge and become a TLA, students made it through an extensive trial period: regularly visiting the Library, keeping our shelves neat, promoting the love of reading and organising uplifting events for the enjoyment of our school community and more.
The medallions on the students’ badges show the years of loyalty and service that students have given to the Library. For some of the TLAs, it’s been many years of service and the Library has become almost their second home. We are grateful to the Year 12s who have joined us this year who have all been wonderful mentors and role models in the Library. I have also been impressed by the level of enthusiasm shown by all of the new TLAs who have joined us for the first time in 2022.
We congratulate all of you and wish you well for the rest of the year.
Maria Papazoglou
Library Manager