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English, EAL, Humanities and Languages Domain

Ancient History excursion to the Hellenic Museum

In Unit 3 and 4 Ancient History, students study ancient Greece (800–454 BCE) and ancient Rome (c.753–146 BCE). As part of their learning they, along with the Year 11 Ancient History students, were able to visit the Hellenic Museum in the city.

On their visit, students listened to an engaging presentation about the connections between ancient Greek and Roman cultures. They were able to handle authentic ancient artefacts such as amulets, figurines and spearheads. They could also hold and inspect a number of different ancient Greek helmets, like the famous Corinthian helmet.

Inside the museum's galleries, there were a range of artefacts from Greece's early history in the Neolithic Period as well as the archaic, classical, Roman periods that they study as part of Unit 3 & 4. There were also other artefacts, clothing and exhibitions from other periods of Greek history. They also had the opportunity to view both ancient Greek bronze statues from two and a half thousand years ago, as well as Roman copies sculpted from marble.

By all reports, both classes enjoyed the day and the opportunity to see history outside of the classroom.


Mr White