Clyde North Campus News

The weeks are flying by with staff and students taking every opportunity to fully embrace all that is on offer in the learning and wellbeing arenas within our college as illustrated in this week’s newsletter.

Vinnies Winter Sleepout

Friday, 5 August 2022 was indeed a cold night for approximately thirty students and staff who in a show of solidarity took part in the annual winter sleepout. Bridget (Liturgy Captain) and Melissa (Social Justice Captain) presented a thought-provoking presentation on the need and urgency for us as a community to not only be aware of homelessness but what we can do about it. Homeless is not just about a lack of bricks and mortar it is also a lack of family, community, conversation and being seen.

The evening was a great success despite a lack of sleep. To all the students and staff who participated in this important event, thank you.  Congratulations to Melissa and Bridget for their organisation, energy and passion in raising the awareness of the critical need for all of us to become agents of change in relation to homelessness and poverty. 

The first real sign that the year is moving fast is when we run the leadership seminar for the next year’s College Captains. This is a critical seminar meticulously planned and delivered by Mr Peter Brannan and the House Leaders providing Year 11 students the opportunity to focus on becoming the leaders of the College student community. My sincere thanks to Mr Brannan, Ms McKenna, Mr Antoine, Ms Angus, Ms Barrett, Ms Williams, Mr O’Sullivan, Mr Stewart, Ms Ross and Mr Rijs for their leadership, wisdom and generosity in delivering this program.  I share with you an extract from the training booklet to provide context of this important event. 


Aims of our Leadership Training Day

True leadership is about more than merely holding an office.  It is about recognizing the gifts and talents of many and harnessing those gifts for the good of the community. True leaders require a vision, and a passion for what they believe as well as a desire to instill the confidence in others to make it their vision as well.

As part of the Leadership Training Day, we will look at great leaders, both famous and not so famous; we will explore personality types and the role these play within leadership structures; we will reflect on our Christian heritage and on our Mission to the world; we will participate in group building and group dynamic activities; we will critically evaluate the difficulties, dangers and joys of being a leader; and, finally, we will explore the positions of leadership available within the College and encourage each of us to reflect on how we can be of service to the St. Peter’s College Community.

One exercise that is always enjoyed by the students is the egg challenge. Build a structure that will support a raw egg dropped from a considerable height. Critical skills of collaboration, communication and teamwork are quickly employed soon after the first attempt inevitably results in some scrambled eggs. Another critical activity is the Q & A session held with the incumbent captains who provide firsthand experience from nomination to performing the role of college captain. 


“It was intriguing to understand what it means to be a servant leader, from the perspective of all the college captains. It was a very fun day, with various activities to engage the students in and collaborate with each other. The teachers should congratulate themselves for all the hard work that they have done to make Leadership Day 2022 an awesome and splendid experience.” 

- Oneli Amugodahewa


I enjoyed the Q&A with the 2022 college captains, asking them questions really helped me get a better understanding of what being a college/ house captain means.” 

- Alex

“Leadership day was a very eye-opening experience on the expectations of leaders within the school community, regardless of formal position or not. I really enjoyed the activities we completed in house groups, particularly the teamwork task on building a contraption for an egg. Overall, I enjoyed the day, learning about myself, working in a team, and learning about the many facets of leadership.” 

- Hasrat Gill

Year 8 Backflips bullying – a follow up 

In week one this term Year 8 students attended the Backflips against bullying presentation from Action Education. The pastoral period this week provided the opportunity to check in with the year 8 students to see if the key messages from the presentation had had any impact on their thinking and behaviours.  It was indeed a privilege to spend this time speaking with and listening to the Year 8 students. 

The strategy of not reacting to the taunts and teasing words of a bully resonated with the students as they felt they could learn to ignore or decline to engage with the battle of words that bullying behaviour thrives on. This strategy will take time and practice to build self-confidence and resilience. During this follow up session I challenged the students to consider which bystander they want to be and consider if they have ever been other types of bystanders as role played in the Backflips bullying presentation. This would be a greater conversation to have as parents/guardians with your child. 

I wish you all a safe and productive week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus

VCAL Christmas in July

Vet Hospitality have been hard at work putting their skills into action providing special functions, such as, the Xmas in July to the School Advisory committee. 

VCAL William Angliss Excursion

Yr 12 students: excursion to William Angliss Institute. Updating industry knowledge. Students attended a tour at the institute and experienced a three course meal.