Year 12 Biology
Ecolinc Excursion
Year 12 Biology
Ecolinc Excursion
Year 12 Biology students attended the Ecolinc Science and Technology Innovations Centre on an excursion mid term 3.
The excursion provided first hand observation and experience to students by working with a team of specialists in Ecolinc labs.
The students learnt about proteomics by comparing the protein profiles of several marine organisms with the given species data. They extracted protein from the muscle
tissue of different organisms, and set up and run polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The excursion led the students to discover how similarities and differences in protein and DNA sequences are being used to determine the evolutionary relatedness between organisms.
The students appreciated and enjoyed the excursion as they say it provided another dimension to class based learning and helped reinforce what has been taught in the classroom in a new environment with new teachers or instructors
A big thank you to Elyse Ganly, Sophie Jean, Harsimranjit Kaur and Daryl Vongkham for their help and supervision!
Vandana Rana
Science Faculty