Careers and Pathways

Careers and Pathways
During the past two weeks Careers and Pathways have been running some shared information sessions with our feeder schools, Truganina P - 9, Baden Powell College, and Tarneit P - 9, to make the transition from year 9 to a senior school less daunting.
The information sessions provide information on the subjects and pathways we offer at the school in Year 10. Students participated in a range of engaging activities during these sessions and were given the opportunity to ask questions to set their minds at ease, and help them make informed subject selection choices.
We will welcome our new students in 2023 and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting many of them for the first time during these sessions. A parent information evening will follow soon to further explore and guide students before entering their choices.
Glen, Josie, Lara and Pushpa
Careers and Pathways
VTAC applications
Year 12s VTAC Applications are now open
In order to make an application you need to first create an account. How to guides are available on the VTAC site, as well as in our Pathways Google Classroom.
If you have yet to join, be sure to join the classroom today.