Intermediate Boys Soccer

Intermediate Boys Soccer Team
The intermediate boys soccer team managed to progress further in Regional Divisional Soccer than any intermediate soccer team in the history of Tarneit Senior College. In the first round we played in a group stage with 3 other schools and walked away with 2 wins and 1 draw. This put us through to the final against the winner of the other group. This game was played on a separate day and we manage to walk away with a 4-1 win, led by our captain Ya Sar.
This put us through into another group tournament, Western Metropolitan Finals, against schools from other regions. We had a 1-1 draw against North Geelong to start the day, and then lost to Maribyrnong who have a soccer academy, so they are an extremely strong side. Unfortunately, we were unable to progress to the next stage but the boys wore the Tarneit uniform with pride and represented the school extremely admirably. All the feedback from the other schools was extremely positive.
Zedekiah Armistead
Physical Education Teacher