Principal's Report

Dear Families, Students and Community Members,
Progress Reports and Meet & Connect
Last Friday, our latest round of progress reports were released on Compass for student and parent access. Please make sure you check to stay informed about your child’s progress.
A reminder about our Term 3 Meet & Connect will be held on
Wednesday 31st August 4:00pm – 7:00pm and
Thursday 1st September 10:00am – 2:00pm.
Meet & Connect will provide an important opportunity for students and their families to meet with subject teachers and discuss student progress throughout the current semester of their studies. The event will also provide an opportunity for students and families to consider recommendations from subject teachers in preparation for 2023.
- Wednesday 31st August - all classes continue as per normal, followed by Meet & Connect
- Thursday 1st September - class free day, replaced by Meet & Connect
Bookings for student/family/teacher conferences are required and are now open. Bookings can be made via Compass.
Please contact the College if you require any support in making bookings on 9749 0246.
Impact of COVID and Flu
Unfortunately to date this term, as in Term 1 and 2, we have continued to be significantly impacted by COVID and flu, with a higher-than-normal teacher absence rate, either from getting sick themselves or having to look after young children who are ill. This has resulted in the school continuing to utilise Casual Relief Teachers to cover classes at a more frequent rate than in previous years. It is important that we all continue to test regularly with our allocation of RATs (more available from the General Office if needed) and, if an identified close contact, even though students can still attend school, they must conduct a RAT each morning before coming to school and wear a mask while indoors at school. We have masks to give to students if they are needed. Students can collect one from Reception. Please continue to report to the school if your child does have COVID and/or is an identified close contact.
Masks have been recommended for all students and staff, and we encourage everyone to wear one during the winter months – free masks are available in all classrooms and from each of our offices. However, it is not mandatory if not symptomatic or a close contact.
School Community Safety Order Scheme
Dear School Community
Schools are positive places of learning where everyone has a right to a safe and healthy learning environment. Schools are also workplaces, and school staff deserve to work in an environment where they don’t feel threatened or unsafe.
From Term 3, 2022, the School Community Safety Order Scheme (Scheme) came into effect in all Victorian schools. This Scheme allows principals and other authorised persons to issue ongoing or immediate school community safety orders that place limitations on the way certain parents, carers or other adults who act in a harmful, abusive or threatening way behave towards staff, students or others in the school community.
Click here for more information about the Scheme, including a short video that provides an overview of the Scheme.
This Scheme provides a range of safeguards for people who may be subject to an order and their child. For example, before issuing an ongoing school community safety order, an authorised person must consider the person’s response to the notice to issue an order and how an order may impact their child. Orders can only be issued as a last resort option if it is the least restrictive option to address the behaviour. To read more about the protections built into the Scheme for parents, carers and other adults who may be subject to an order (including information on appeal rights), access the Department’s website.
Everyone at school, particularly staff and parents/carers, play a role in making school a better place for learning and work. The Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy outlines the shared roles of parents, carers and school staff in creating a positive environment for learning.
Our mutual objective is to support your child’s education. To do this, we ask that feedback and complaints are both constructive and respectful. Parents are reminded to follow the school’s complaints policy ( Department’s Complaints Policy ) if you wish to raise any constructive and respectful feedback.
You can find the Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy and other resources to build a positive relationship with our school community here.
Kind Regards,
Simon Haber
College Principal