Year 7 Humanities
In Year 7 humanities we are investigating where all the saltwater and freshwater is located in the world. Students are exploring different ways to lower their own usage of freshwater to help with the ongoing water crisis. We are also looking at the importance of the Murray Darling Basin.
Mr McDonald
Year 8 Humanities
In Year 8 Humanities we have begun the year with a focus on Geography. Year 8 classes first focused on knowledge of countries and the use of atlases. They are now beginning their unit of work on Urbanisation, looking up population growth, density and distribution.They look at megacities and then compare Australia and the United States of America.
Ms Curtis
Year 9 History
In Year 9 we are exploring the Industrial Revolution in Britain. We are currently investigating inventions of this era and the impact the Industrial Revolution had on the nation and the world. We will pay particular attention to the child workforce.
Ms Alderuccio
Year 9/10 Geography
Our students are currently studying ecosystems and biomes. Following a brief refamiliarisation with Geography and the world at large we have been diving into depth studies of different biomes around the world. Students spent time this week looking at Tropical Rainforests, and parasitic and symbiotic relationships.
Mr Jetson
Year 10 Riches and Rights
In Riches and Rights, students have been learning about the sources of the law and the difference between criminal and civil law.
Ms Watt
Year 9/10 Money, Markets and Citizenship
In Money, Markets and Citizenship, students started the year looking at debt, in particular, credit card debt and Buy Now, Pay Later options. They are now investigating all of the costs associated with car ownership.
Ms Watt
VCE Legal Studies
In Year 11 Legal studies, students have been looking at the sources of law, precedent, and statutory interpretation. They will be starting their legal folios this week.
The Year 12 Legal Studies students have been looking at committal hearings, plea negotiations and sentence indications and are getting ready for their first assessment task.
Mr Haley
Business Management
In Year 11 Business Management, students have been learning about entrepreneurship and innovation. This week we were lucky enough to have Lisa Bartalotta from the Logan Street Corner Store speak to the students about her business and the factors she needed to consider when starting up. Students will use the information gained from this session when writing up their first assessment task, a business report.
The Year 12 Business Management class has been learning about Business Foundations. When learning about management styles and skills they had a practical lesson creating a spaghetti tower and demonstrating these management styles and skills. This culminated in them completing their first assessment task for the year.
Ms Watt