Friday 21 February
Senior VCAL Cafe and Barista Training
Tuesday 7 March
VCE/VCAL/VM Elevate Sessions
Thursday 9 March
Senior Girls Cricket
Monday 13 March
LABOUR DAY - Public Holiday
Wednesday 15 March
Unit Theatre Studies Hamlet Excursion
Monday 20 March
VCE OES Wilson Prom Camp (to 23)
Wednesday 29 March
VCE Unit 1 Music Top Class Excursion
Sunday 2 April
Year 11 Presentation Ball
Wednesday 5 April
Cross Country
2023 Legacy Anzac Day Excursion
EIS AFL vs Hallam practice game
Thursday 6 April
3 Way Conferences (Teacher/Student/Parent)
End of Term 1
Senior School Coordination Team
Head of Senior School and Year 11
Daniel Toma
Head of Year 12
Janine Sayers
Year 12 Coordinators
Brendon Huby
Kate Hankin
Year 11 Coordinators
Jodie Street
John Box
Senior School Administration Assistant
Jenny McLean
2023 Captains
School Captains
Ky H and Kristy M
Year 12 Captains
Caitlin A and Chloe C
Year 11 Captains
Indi P and Liv B
Year 11 Vice-captains
Noah V and Charley R
VCE Students and Cars
It is very exciting to see that some of our Year 12 students have already acquired their driver licence and are driving themselves to school.
There are just a few things to keep in mind when students get their car and licence this year;
- PARKING is available in the STADIUM car park
- The car park is out of bounds during school hours. Students are not permitted to go to their cars during the day
- Students may obtain their parents’ permission to be driven to and from school in another student’s car. A written note from both students’ parents must be given to the VCE Coordinators before driving another student or siblings
- Students must inform the VCE Coordinators of their licence plate number and car make and colour
Uniform Requirements
As per the school uniform policy, students are not to wear any facial piercings. This includes clear piercings.
Students also need to ensure that they wear white socks without logos and black polishable school shoes.
All Senior School uniform requirements are available through LOWES Lilydale.
VCE Attendance
It is a requirement at Lilydale High School that students attend all timetabled classes so that teaching and learning opportunities can be maximised. Attendance includes Home Group each morning, even if the student does not have class, Period 1 or 2.
VCE SAC Redemption
Students will not be granted SAC redemption unless they have a medical certificate, or it is a school-approved absence.
If there are extenuating circumstances, please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.
Funky Socks Friday
Funky Socks Friday is back this year and kicked off last week! All Year 12 students are invited to wear ‘funky socks’ each Friday for a gold coin donation.
The Year 12 cohort will donate the proceeds to a charity of their choice. A survey will be sent out shortly to vote on a charity for this semester.
Year 11 Philosophy
Students were immersed in Mr Morgan's Philosophy class learning hands on about a potential dystopian future.
Swimming Carnival
This year the Swimming Carnival was filled with lots of enjoyment, amazing swimming acts and some well needed relaxation.
If a warm day with a clear blue sky wasn't enough to brighten your mood, the traditional Year 12’s crazy costumes were sure to check that box. From Santa and his Elves, Mario, Elmo and friends, Princesses and Teletubbies, your childhood hero was sure to be there on this fantastic afternoon.
With new Year 7’s bringing a keen and competitive energy to the day, we were certain the 'House Cup' winner was going to be a close call. Nevertheless, without some excellent dancing/singing on the stage and some jam-packed water polo, the anticipated winner and still the champions were Tate!
Congratulations to all students and teachers who had a swim on the day and good luck to those swimming at regionals.
Ky H
School Captain