Thursday 2 March
Year 10 Elevate Study Skills
VET Acting Industry Day
Monday 6 March
Thrive Reflection - Period 1
Tuesday 7 March
Duke of Ed Practice Paddle
EIS Netball/Football vs Forest Hill game
Year 9 Community Sport SDS visit
Thursday 9 March
Year 10 Immunisations
Monday 13 March
LABOUR DAY - Public Holiday
Tuesday 14 March
Bairnsdale School Shooting Competition
Wednesday 15 March
NAPLAN (15 to 21)
Monday 20 March
VCE OES Wilson Prom Camp (to 23)
Tuesday 28 March
Year 9 ADP Science Treetops Adventure
Monday 3 April
DOE Adventure Journey (to 6)
Wednesday 5 April
Cross Country
2023 Legacy Anzac Day Excursion
EIS AFL vs Hallam practice game
Thursday 6 April
3 Way Conferences (Teacher/Student/Parent)
Middle School Coordination Team 2023
Head of Middle School and Year 10
Elizabeth Nevins
Head of Year 9
Riana Asta
Assistant Year 9 Coordinators
Narelle McGrotty
David Feeger
Assistant Year 10 Coordinators
Zoe Younger
Andrew Box
Middle School Administration Assistant
Lauren Kelso
Welcome to Middle School
The Middle School Coordination team welcomes back all students, and we hope that our NEW students to LHS are settling into their new surrounds.
Year 9 and 10 students are welcome to come into the Middle School Office and discuss any queries or concerns they may have.
We have sporting equipment and games for students to borrow during recess and lunch.
Parents and Carers, if you wish to meet with a Year 9 or 10 Coordinator, it is recommended to call first to make an appointment.
We look forward to a very enjoyable and productive year in Middle School.
Celebrating student Achievements
During 2023, if there is an achievement that happens in your child's life outside of school (sporting achievements, musical successes etc), please let us know, as we would like to acknowledge their success.
Middle School Captains 2023
Year 10 Captains
Taylah-Mae G and Jacob B
Year 10 Vice-captains
Dylan N and Ashleigh D
Year 9 Captains
Niina L and Alannah P
Year 9 Vice-captains
Luci J and James L
Important Reminders for
Year 9 and 10 students
Students are required to wear correct school uniform every day, including travelling to and from school (Eg maroon pullover, white socks, black polishable school shoes).
As per the school uniform policy, students are not to wear any facial piercings. This includes clear piercings.
Mobile phones must be kept locked in lockers, at all times throughout the school day.
Sanctions will apply for any student using their mobile phone whilst at school, wearing the incorrect uniform (without a note from a parent/carer) or wearing a facial piercing.
Chromebooks are to be fully charged before arriving at school.
Parents and carers, if you need to contact your child throughout the day, please contact the Middle School Office and a message will be given to your child.
S and N Policy
Although it is early in the school year, we would like to give all parents/carers and Year 9 and 10 students a reminder of the School’s S and N policy.
We expect that all students are:
- punctual to class
- be prepared with books and resources
- be positive and have a ‘can do’ attitude
- be persistent and not give up easily
- complete and submit all of the work set
- complete assessments
- and complete and submit all homework
Unexplained Student Absences
We ask that parents and carers please check their Compass Parent Portal and approve any unexplained absences your child may have this term.
If it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days (illness, holiday, medical appointments etc), please communicate this with the Middle School Office.
Parent/Carer Compass passwords can be reset by contacting Lauren Kelso in the Middle School Office.
Middle School Coordinators