

During Term 1 in Italian, the children in Years 1-6 have learnt about Carnevale in Italy.  

The junior classes read about Arlecchino (a famous Carnevale character from Bergamo) and learnt how he got his colourful costume. We revised the colours and completed various activities on Carnevale. The middle and senior classes were given a research project to complete on Carnevale.  They were given questions to guide their research.  The children presented their findings either on Google slides, a word document or on project paper. They each had the opportunity to present their project to the rest of the class and were provided with feedback. They did a great job at researching and presenting their work.     


Teachers as Co-Learners of Italian 

At St Bridget’s, we have embarked on a journey together where teachers and students are partners in learning Italian. In this approach to language teaching, known as the TCL approach, classroom teachers across the school lead short, language focused sessions at high frequency throughout the week.  


All teachers and students are co-learners of Italian and time is allocated every day (usually 15 minutes) to ensure maximum exposure to and interaction in learning Italian. The classroom teachers have access to the Italian Specialist Teacher and carefully prepared slides with gestures, to guide their teaching and learning. 


Teachers and students alike are making great progress and we are learning and having fun together.