Student Wellbeing

I really enjoy the Wellbeing groups we get to do each term. These group activities led by the teachers are a lot of fun and the kids are so engaged. I love seeing the different activities the teachers develop. It is music to my ears when the kids get to school on Monday and ask, “are we doing Wellbeing Groups today?”


I am very fortunate to be at a school that takes Wellbeing very seriously.


As I have mentioned in previous editions of our newsletter, our Wellbeing groups are weekly activities where the children get to be out of their usual classroom. We mix all the classes together so the students can be with children they may not normally get to play with or talk to.

During Term 1, we did the following activities. 


Geraldine Nicholas, our Secondary Science and Gifted Educator ran a STEM activity based around making paper aeroplanes.

Mrs. Maher did an art activity where the kids created a portrait of their mum.

Mr. Cirillo took to the kitchen, creating a zucchini slice. The best part was, they used produce straight from our Wellbeing garden.


Miss. Wills played a range of card games with her groups. It was wonderful hearing that some of the students went home and taught their families how to play.

Finally, I went out of my comfort zone and ran a sporting session with some games the children love such as Infinite Tag, Soccer and a game that involves hoops and Scissors, Paper, Rock.

Kind regards


Mr Tom Brophy

Student Wellbeing Leader