Student Leaders 2023


Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jordan Beirakdar
Jayden Harry
Jordan Beirakdar





Message from our learning leaders Zoya and Michael

As a student leader, I am excited to go on the Student Leader conference to learn how to be a great leader. I am also eager to get tasks from the teachers. - Zoya


I have really enjoyed being a leader so far in 2023. I am really excited about helping with all of the school events. I'm also excited about meeting and working with all the other student leaders, as they are all wonderful people. I like assemblies, Active Thursday's and setting up Year 6 sport. - Michael

Message from our red house leaders Morgan and Harper

I enjoy being a student leader because it is a huge opportunity to represent the school. You also get to wear a badge. I enjoy being on Hillsmeade Happenings and speaking at assembly. - Morgan


I like being a student leader because it is helping me understand the wrongs and rights of being a student leader. It helps me grow and learn during learning time. I am honoured to be a part of the student leader community. I know I have been selected as a leader because I am a respectful and kind student who will continue to make the school a kind, safe space to be. - Harper


Learning Leaders    

Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra

House Leaders                                    


Blue- Kingston Davida
Blue- Emily Cowen
Red- Morgan Neal
Red- Harper Kelly
Yellow- Natalie Bartuccio
Yellow- Lylah Browne
Green- Milly Jackson
Green- Caitlin Suhr
Blue- Kingston Davida
Blue- Emily Cowen
Red- Morgan Neal
Red- Harper Kelly
Yellow- Natalie Bartuccio
Yellow- Lylah Browne
Green- Milly Jackson
Green- Caitlin Suhr