Year 3 Update

3A-Miss Thorpe    3B-Miss Monagle    3C-Miss Keller    3D-Mr Wright    3E-Mrs Ziino

3A-Miss Thorpe
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Mrs Ziino
3A-Miss Thorpe
3B-Miss Monagle
3C-Miss Keller
3D-Mr Wright
3E-Mrs Ziino

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus

Week 4: To understand how to summarise a non-fiction text. 

Week 5: To understand how to answer comprehension questions.


Week 4: To understand how to plan and edit persuasive writing. 

Week 5: To understand how to structure a narrative. 


Week 4: To use strategies to solve subtraction problems. 

Week 5: To understand time and investigate the relationships between units of time. 

Inquiry (Health)


Week 4: To identify what bullying is. To identify some strategies to stop bullying. 

Week 5: To understand safety at school and safety at home. 

Social & Emotional Learning

Week 4: To understand what personal strengths are and their importance. 

Week 5: To understand resilience and how we can 'bounce back'. 

News and Reminders:

  • Homework will begin early in Term 1 - more information to follow.
  • Hats are to be worn until the end of April, please remind students to bring these everyday this term.
  • On the 27th of February Year 3's will be having a 'Safety around school incursion' run by the City of Casey. This will happen at school, during class time. 

Celebration of Learning: