Diverse Learning 

Year 6 Learning Experiences this week

This week Year 6 have been learning about the season of Lent and how they can prepare to walk humbly with God during this time of penance and fasting. Students let their creativity flow as they created their own images of what Lent means to them. Many students shared their Lenten promises and are looking forward to standing with God during this time of reflection. 

Creative Arts News

This year, Our Lady of Fatima will be offering Dance as part of our Newman Creative Arts Programs. This will involve a selection process, requiring students to audition. 


Interested applicants will be required to send an audition tape to Miss Ingram by Thursday 2nd of March. The video is to be no longer than two minutes in duration. This opportunity is open to all students in Years 3-6. 







Miss Tayla Ingram


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on Schools Students with Disability (NCCD)






Ms Janelle Schembri | Learning Support