Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 








Week 4 already !


Lots happening over the next two weeks! Including the beginning of the Church’s liturgical season of Lent. 


Why is this Tuesday called Shrove Tuesday?


In preparation for Lent centuries ago, those observing the fast would use Shrove Tuesday to also purify and remove from their house any items that they were foregoing for the next 40 days. Traditionally this included fish, eggs, milk and sugar - so Shrove Tuesday became the final blowout before Lent began !


These ingredients combine easily to make pancake batter hence Shrove Tuesday is now synonymous with the making and eating of pancakes!


What is Lent and What are we called to do during Lent? 


Lent is the six week period leading up to Easter. It is one of the most important times of year for us as Catholics. It is a time of solemn observance and preparation for the Resurrection of Jesus at Easter. It is a traditional time for fasting or giving up something or abstinence - it invites us to refocus our minds and hearts on how we live out our faith on a daily basis. 


** Great little Youtube explanation of Lent:  Lent in 3 minutes


Why is Ash Wednesday called Ash Wednesday? 

The day gets its name from the traditional blessing of the ashes taken after the burning of palm branches from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations. The ashes are used to draw a cross on the forehead of people to mark the beginning of their Lenten journey. The drawing of the cross is often done while repeating the words: “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” 


Fasting during Lent

In our Catholic tradition : Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59.


Students in Years 3 -6 attended the Parish Mass on Wednesday morning and 

Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 had a visit from Father Julian where they received the ashes in their classroom.


The Staff of OLF

Each Tuesday morning at 8.30am the staff at OLF have been invited to a prayer reflection focussing on the readings for the Lenten season. This will be taking place in the Library. So… your child’s teacher may be unavailable from 8.30 -8.45 on these days.

First Communion dates

Last week I shared with you the dates for Confirmation and Reconciliation. This week I can now say … the dates for First Communion have been set.


First Communion Masses: 2nd September: 4:00 pm & 5.30pm

                                                      9th September:  5.30pm


KWL books (‘To Know, Worship and Love’)

Your child has a Religious Education text book in their classroom called ‘To Know Worship and Love’. (KWL) 


We are encouraging each student to take this book home during Lent and to pray the prayer suggested for Lent. You might like to set up a special little Prayer space to gather around to say this prayer. Two minutes beautifully spent as a family together !!!


Take a photo and share it with us !!! 

2023 Lenten Penance notice from His Grace, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP

Finally - Syria and Turkey 

We have all seen the devastation that has occurred in Syria and Turkey as a result of the earthquakes.  We are thinking of them and praying for them …..


Let us pray together…..


God of compassion, we call on your name in times of need. Many people have been affected by the terrible earthquake in Syria and Turkey. We have seen the devastation caused to homes, schools, families.We see the helpers too, taking care of others, providing shelter and food, comforting people in their times of need. 

We give thanks for everyone helping and offer our prayers, knowing you love and care deeply.


We pray for those who have died. 

May they rest in peace in your heavenly kingdom. 

Lord hear us

We pray for families. May those grieving the people they love, find comfort in their community. 

Lord hear us

We pray for nations. May we remember we are all members of the one global family. 

Lord hear us

We pray for workers. May rescuers, medical staff and aid workers find support, courage and determination. 

Lord hear us

We ask these prayers through Christ Our Lord. Amen 


( Courtesy of the Project Compassion website. Take a look through it ! Remember Caritas is one of the many Social Justice arms of the Catholic Church.) 


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone !







Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator