News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week marks the beginning of  Lent which is a time where we reflect on our relationship with God and the way we are living our lives. It is the season in which we prepare for the mystery of Easter with minds and hearts renewed. Through repentance and renewal we can live more fully, our Baptismal call to live as disciples of Jesus.


During the season of Lent we are called to prepare for Easter.  The story of Lent, Holy Week and Easter is the basis of our faith. During Lent families can take the opportunity to spend time together preparing for Easter.  Lent can be a  time when families slow down, pray together and remember what is  important in our lives.

Parent Teacher - Meet and Greet Interviews

It was wonderful to see so many parents on site the last two weeks to attend the Parent Teacher Meet and Greet interviews. The students are already working on their personal goals and the teachers were grateful for the opportunity to learn more about your children.


If there is anything that you would like to discuss, please remember that your child’s teacher is your first port of call for any questions or concerns that you may have. If you haven’t met with them yet please make the effort to arrange a time to meet.

Kinder Enrolments for 2024 and Open Day School Tours

Enrolments for Kindergarten 2024 are now open. Enrolment packs are available from the school office and the online enrolment system is operational.


Our School Open Days will take place on:

Saturday 4th March 9:00 - 10:30 am 

Tuesday 7th March 9:30 - 10:30 am

Wednesday 8th March 3:30-4:30pm. 


We are also happy to offer individual tours at other times.


If you have a sibling starting school in 2024 could you please let the office know or submit your enrolment as we are opening up our enrolment period. It is helpful to know how many siblings will be commencing school next year in order to ensure there will be a place for them.





Please spread the word to neighbours, family and friends!








Parents in Action - Parent Reps

A reminder that we will be meeting on Friday 3rd March at 2:15pm in the library to discuss school initiatives and proposed fundraising and community events for this year. If you are unable to attend but have some ideas for fundraising and building community this year please feel free to email us at:



Finally, I hope you have had a chance to be curious about something with your children over the last few weeks. Children are superb learners! When provided with the freedom, support and encouragement to  pursue their own interests and to be curious and wonder about their world we will be unable to stop them from learning throughout their lives! 








Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal