R.E. News
On Tuesday we celebrated our beginning of school mass. Fr. John spoke to the students about how they can let their light shine this year through their actions. During the year, we will have the opportunity to celebrate Liturgies, including the Sacraments in our class levels. Please check the newsletter for the dates of these and other special events and celebrations.
Next Wednesday, 22nd February we will celebrate Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the time of year when Christians prepare for Easter. During Lent, we are called to do three things: Prayer, Fast and Almsgiving. This allows us to experience Lent as a special time for creating a welcoming space for God. Please feel free to join us at our Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 2:45pm in the Church.
Our Sacramental Program this year will involve a commitment to the Sacrament your child will be receiving. The commitment includes: completing the home program, the attendance at a family night and receiving the Sacrament. We will be sending a note home with children who will be receiving the Sacraments this year. The proposed dates for the Sacraments are listed below. These dates may change depending on the current situation.
Sacrament of Eucharist (Year 4): Sunday 28th May at 10:00 am (Sunday Parish Mass).
Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6): Wednesday 16th August at 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 3): Thursday 19th October, Time TBA
Lucas Mangani
RE Leader