What's happening in our 

learning communities?

Welcome back to 2023 everyone!


Our Year 6 students have returned to school with a refreshed energy which they have been applying to their work, certainly striving for success.  We welcome Miss Wood as another teacher in our space this year – We are sure that she is a great fit for our group.


We started our year off with some reflection and teambuilding activities.  We worked with shuffled groups to complete paper chains with limited materials and a bridge building task which challenged our communication and problem solving skills.

For World Read Aloud Day we met our buddies in their space to read some of their favourite books to them. Our Year 6 students were in their element helping our buddies to feel calm and supported at the start of the school year.

We were also tasked with preparing and leading the start of year Mass, with students reading with confidence and poise perfectly suited to a senior cohort! 

Lastly, we celebrated the initiation of our new leaders for this year. Congratulations to the following house captains! We look forward to seeing all you accomplish for our school this year.

Hartzer: Oliver T, Shania I, Abi S

Xavier: William I, Annabelle A, Manat K

Chevalier: Hayley V, Lila D, Paarth B

Mackillop: Peter M, Chloe C, Isabelle R


Matthew Burness 

Year 6 Teacher

Demi Wood

Assistant Teacher