Catholic Identity and Mission 

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday



Next Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday.  More commonly known as pancake Tuesday, its traditions began as a way for Christian families to prepare themselves for a period of prayer, reflection and mending relationships with God and others.  Pancakes used up the plentiful pantry items and helped participants to turn their minds and hearts to God over the next fourty days of Lent.  Removing tempations from the home helps participants be focussed about the intentions of the participants over the month of fasting. 


Cooking pancakes is a reminder to be prepared for this journey of self reflection and healing. It is a focus for our mind and heart to prepare over the season of Lent.


Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Season of Lent.  We receive ashes on our foreheads in the shape of a cross.  These ashes are prepared in each parish by burning the dried palm leaves from Palm Sunday celebrated the previous year.  The symbol of celebration and welcome on Palm Sunday is turned into a symbol of repentance and renwal at the beginning of Lent.


These ashes are placed on our foreheads to remind us of our humility and the desire to recognise God as our redeemer.  It is an outward sign of our humanity and the need to ask forgiveness for our failings, reflect on our lives and what could change to bring us closer to God.  


Lent is a journey of preparation.  We prepare ourselves by making amends with God  to be ready to receive the rewards of the resurrection of Christ at Easter.  Before receiving this reward, we prepare ourselves spiritually.  The preparation takes the form of personal and communal prayer, fasting and asking for forgiveness by helping others in need and giving to the poor.


There are important scripture readings throughout the Season of Lent which help us prepare and soften our hearts.  These are listed below if you would like to pray with the Gospels.  The images reflect the theme of each Sunday's Gospel.


The first Sunday of Lent Gospel comes from Matt 4:1-11

The second Sunday of presents the Gospel from Matt 17:1-9


The Gospel for the Third Sunday of Lent is from John 4: 5-42


The fourth Sunday Gospel is John 9:1-41

Project Compassion


Each family will be invited to participate in Project Compassion this year to support communities in Australia and around the world.  Project Compassion is a way in which individuals can participate in assisting the poor during Lent.  It is a most worthwhile charity run by Carita Australia.  For more information about how your participation can help others, go to the Project Compassion Website


Sacramental Programme

 If there is a child in your family who is seeking to celebrate Reconciliation, Confirmation or Eucharist, details for the programme have been distributed on Seesaw and are available at the parish and school office.


Please be aware this is a Parish programme supported by the school.  Children seeking to receive the sacraments will need to be enrolled through the parish.


The parish connected with St Gabriel's School is the Clearview Kilburn Parish.  The Good Shepherd  Church is on St Albans Place, Clearview.  St Brigid's Church is on Le Hunte Street  Kilburn.  




Bernie Meixner