Library News

Welcome to McCarthy Library 2023
Welcome to McCarthy library for 2023 we would like to take this opportunity to welcome back students and staff from last year and to welcome our new students and staff in 2023. We are open from 8am until 4pm with this extended to 5pm on Tuesday and Wednesday for Study Club.
Our Library Team is:
Ms Laird and Mrs Barrett, Teacher Librarians
Ms Burke and Mrs Cox, Library Assistants.
During the next few weeks all Year 7 Science classes will be coming to the library for a library orientation presentation and Book Scavenger Hunt to help them find the resources that we have in our library and that are available to them. We are looking forward to this fun event.
“Read, grow and inspire” is our library focus for 2023
This year we are continuing to grow our “students as readers” culture. We are particularly focussing our Accelerated Reader reading program on connecting each student with books that are ‘just right” for them. As famous children’s author J.K Rowling said,
“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”
We enjoy supporting readers in choosing their book. We love listening to students talking about books they have read and we encourage students to make requests. We also let our readers know that when choosing their own book to read, it is fine to say, ‘This book is boring. May I choose another?’
Library displays
In the library we will have ever changing displays and events throughout the year, board games every Monday and during break times on request as well as a Book Club, Chess Club and Writers Club. The library is a great place for students to come and enjoy fun times before school and during break times.
We are looking forward to 2023 and wishing students all the best over the next month as they settle into the McCarthy learning routines and environment.
Ms Libby Laird and Mrs Susan Barrett, Teacher Librarians