Careers & VET News

Meet the McCarthy Careers Team who each have an area of specialisation to assist our students and parents at the start of 2023.
- University and subject selection: Mrs Susan Barrett, Careers Adviser. Email:
- Transition to work, work experience and jobs (full time and part time: Mrs Samantha Cox, Careers and VET Support Officer. Email:
- School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT's & TVET), Transition to TAFE and other career and study pathways: Raelee Balderston Email:
Google Classrooms
Students are encouraged to join the Google Classrooms which relate directly to their interests and needs. Parents and carers should ask their child if they have done this.
- University 2023+ Code: 2yz6h6s
- Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Work Experience Code: d6i57bo
- Part time jobs Code: o76i4pv
- Full time jobs Code: xehfpmy
Early entry scheme changes for Year 12 students
Last Friday about fifty Year 12 students came to a presentation on changes to university early entry schemes in 2023. I also spoke about the Charles Sturt Advantage scheme which opened at the beginning of February and gave the students tips and advice to assist them in applying.
Southern Universities Tour for Year 12 students
Week 3 will see over twenty Year 12 students travelling to visit the University of Wollongong, UNSW, University of Sydney and Macquarie University along with students, Careers Advisers and accompanying staff from several other Tamworth high schools.
University Showcase Tour 2023 Wed 22nd Feb 1.55-3.00pm
Representatives from the University of New England, Southern Cross University, Charles Sturt University and Newcastle University will visit the college and speak to interested Year 12 McCarthy students. However, the date for this event occurs on Day 8 of the timetable.
Students interested in applying to attend university in 2024 or after a gap year, are urged to make arrangements to attend the presentation. They may choose to study in the library beforehand or arrive here at 1.45pm on the day.
The four universities will outline what you need to know about:
- UAC application process for all universities in NSW and the ACT plus southern Queensland.
- Their individual early entry schemes, courses, scholarships and accommodation.
In 2023 we are supporting students to engage in their individual pathways of study towards certification in various industries. These school based apprenticeships and traineeships become part of the students HSC pattern of study.
Where to find careers information
Parents and students can find a lot of information on many aspects of careers at the Careers@McCarthy webpage.
Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)
Samantha Cox - Careers & VET Support Officer (Transition to Work, Work Experience & Employment Options), Education Assistant
Raelee Balderston - VET Officer (SBAT, TVET, Transition to Work, Work Experience & Employment Options)