
Welcome to 2023 - we are looking forward to a year of collaborative learning with all students.
Stage 6 News
Some Year 11 students will be asked in the coming days to finalise their All My Own work course with NESA. Students must complete this to be enrolled in Year 11 with NESA. Students in Years 11 and 12 who are required to demonstrate Minimum Standards in Reading, Numeracy and Writing will receive an email with scheduled times during study periods for them to attempt an assessment.
NAPLAN, Transition to Year 7 and PAT
Students in Year 7 and 9 will undertake their NAPLAN assessments from the 15th of March. Students in Year 7 will also complete a Transition to Year 7 assessment in the coming weeks. Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 will complete PAT assessments in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Science. Students will be advised of these dates via their COMPASS portal.
New Courses
The college is excited to be offering Vocational Education Training (VET) courses on site concurrently with other Stage 6 courses. This year, some students in Year 11 have commenced studies in Retail Services, Business Services, Financial Services, Information Digital Technology and Fitness. We thank the teachers that have undertaken additional training to enable us to offer these courses.
A big step towards achieving your goals is developing and maintaining a goal-setting mindset
as the attitudes you develop will influence the way you view goal-setting. Approaching a task with a negative and self-defeating attitude makes it much harder to actually be successful at that task.
Try to foster a positive attitude when setting and trying to achieve your goals. A positive attitude means you are looking for ways to SUCCEED rather than focusing on the
difficulties and obstacles that could be in your path.
To create a more positive attitude:
- Each day note down something you did towards achieving your goals.
- Note down any changes someone else has noticed e.g. your teacher says well done on
your work.
- Don’t stop trying if something goes wrong, rather, reassess your goals or decide if you
need to work harder to achieve them.
- Find a mentor or helper to encourage you to achieve your goals, possibly someone who
is interested in the same things or is good at the same subjects but is a bit further ahead
of you.
Other reasons why we don’t achieve our goals:
- No action plan.
- No true commitment to the goal.
- Not rewarding yourself along the way.
- Trying to focus on too many goals.
- Not preparing yourself for success.
- Fear of failure.
If you are still not achieving your goal, try this:
- Clarify your goal.
- Write a list of actions.
- Analyse, prioritise and prune.
- Organise your list into a plan.
- Monitor the execution of your plan and review your plan regularly.
- Ask for help!
You can learn more about goal setting and many other topics to help you achieve your best at
school at, logging in with these details:
Sally Sparke - Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Briony Martin - Leader of Learning and Teaching/Leader of Pedagogy
Nicole Anderson- Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy Coach