Prayer and Reflection

Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.' - John 6:35
Every celebration of the Mass begins with a prayer for forgiveness. We pray 'Lord have mercy' and are reminded that God is 'full of gentleness and compassion', asking those at Mass with us 'to pray for me to the Lord our God'. These prayers are not just empty words we rattle off without much thought. They express the fact that, when we come to Mass, we don't need to pretend to be anyone other than who we really are. We are all weak, imperfect and flawed. If we are honest, we realise that we hurt people and we hurt ourselves. God comes into our lives through the Eucharist. He does not come into the lives of the people we would like to be but into those of the people we actually are. We begin the Eucharist with a candid admission of our need for God. God feeds us in the Eucharist because we are hungry.
Mr Damian Kenniff
Ministry and Spirituality Coordinator